- 数字商业时代 月刊 2019年02期 数字商业时代杂志社
- 数字商业时代 月刊 2018年02期 数字商业时代杂志社
- 数字商业时代 月刊 2018年07期 数字商业时代杂志社
- 数字商业时代 月刊 2018年04期 数字商业时代杂志社
- Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse, Second Edition (English Edition) FAAN Sipes, Carolyn, PhD, CNS, APRN, PMP, RN-BC, NEA-BC
- Policy and Program Planning for Older Adults and People with Disabilities: Practice Realities and Visions (English Edition) PhD Jurkowski, Elaine T., MSW
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy Scripted Protocols and Summary Sheets: Treating Trauma in Somatic and Medical Related Conditions (English Edition) PhD Luber, Marilyn, Dr.
- Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Q&A Review (English Edition) ACNP-BC Carpenter, Dawn, DNP
- Life Will Be the Death of Me: . . . and you too! (English Edition) Chelsea Handler
- Mister Pip (English Edition) Lloyd Jones
- The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society: A Novel (English Edition) Mary Ann Shaffer、Annie Barrows
- Miss Benson's Beetle: A Novel (English Edition) Rachel Joyce
- 家庭医学健康百科全书(彩图精装) (中国家庭必备工具书) 常学辉编著
- 九种体质养生(彩) 马洪莲编著
- 爆笑王(2019.5) 史文
- 爆笑王(2019.4) 史文
- The Critique of Pure Reason (English Edition) Immanuel Kant
- TTT培训师必看三本套装:《TTT培训师精进三部曲.上 深度改善现场培训效果/》+《TTT培训师精进三部曲 下 职业功力沉淀与修为提升》+《TTT培训师精进三部曲 中构建最有价值的课程内容》 廖信琳
- 新手父母必读大全集(超值金版) 罗宾、凤莲
- Oil Painting with the Masters: Essential Techniques from Today's Top Artists (English Edition) Cindy Salaski
- The Kalliakis Crown/Talos Claims His Virgin/Theseus Discovers His Heir/Helios Crowns His Mistress (English Edition) Michelle Smart
- The Baby That Changed Everything: A Baby to Heal Their Hearts / The Baby That Changed Her Life / The Surgeon's Baby Secret (Mills & Boon By Request) (English Edition) Kate Hardy、Louisa Heaton、Amber McKenzie
- The Mother of the Brontës: When Maria Met Patrick (English Edition) Sharon Wright
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- 理想国译丛039 第三帝国三部曲:当权的第三帝国(上下册 横跨政经法教科文各面向 囊括官兵农士工商的第三帝国群像 重现纳粹清洗、改造与动员德国人的历史全景 理想国出品) 理查德·J.埃文斯
- KOSMOS 691868 船员,共度9号 星球。 *纸牌游戏,空间冒险,2-5名玩家,令人兴奋的社交游戏 KOSMOS
- Know-It-All Society: Truth and Arrogance in Political Culture (English Edition) Michael P. Lynch
- 狮王(法国教育部推荐的国宝级图书,累计销量超过六百万册,法国中小学生入学考试必读范文) 约瑟夫·凯赛尔、何珊
- Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? (Brown Bear and Friends) (English Edition) Bill Martin Jr.、Eric Carle
- 儿童数学思维训练游戏.3-4岁:全一册. 何秋光
- The Hollow Kingdom: Book I -- The Hollow Kingdom Trilogy (English Edition) Clare B. Dunkle
- Whirligig (English Edition) Paul Fleischman
- Children of Virtue and Vengeance (Legacy of Orisha Book 2) (English Edition) Tomi Adeyemi
- Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? (Brown Bear and Friends) (English Edition) Bill Martin Jr.、Eric Carle
- Whose Right Is It? The Second Amendment and the Fight Over Guns (English Edition) Hana Bajramovic
- The Book of Unwyse Magic (English Edition) Claire Fayers
- Up a Creek (English Edition) Laura E. Williams
- Playing with Fire (English Edition) April Henry
- My Family Divided: One Girl's Journey of Home, Loss, and Hope (English Edition) Diane Guerrero、Erica Moroz
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- 生活中的糊涂学:聪明人的人生智慧 魏清月
- 1815: The Return of Napoleon (English Edition) Paul Britten Austin
- Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology (Electrical Engineering Handbook) (English Edition) William A. Goddard III、Donald Brenner、Sergey Edward Lyshevski、Gerald J Iafrate
- Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering: Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Standards, Third Edition (Image Processing Series) (English Edition) Yun-Qing Shi、Huifang Sun
- Physical Properties of Materials, Third Edition (English Edition) Mary Anne White
- Handbook of Drug Metabolism, Third Edition (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences) (English Edition) Paul G. Pearson、Larry C. Wienkers
- The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error' (English Edition) Sidney Dekker
- Classical Feedback Control with Nonlinear Multi-Loop Systems: With MATLAB® and Simulink®, Third Edition (Automation and Control Engineering) (English Edition) Boris J. Lurie、Paul Enright
- 中华人民共和国史小丛书:新中国科普70年 中国科普研究所科普历史研究课题组
- 这一生多少爱 虫鸣
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- 跨文化翻译的文化外交功能探索 王端
- 中国,少了一味药 (慕容雪村文集) 慕容雪村
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- 十四五与双循环:17位一线经济学家深度解读 新发展格局 经济学家圈
- 赢在资本:上市公司资本运营法律风险解析与防范 郭勤贵、赵万宝
- 直播电商:带货王修炼真经 熊友君
- 疯讲:超级演说、讲课与沟通结构设计 厚朴
- 科学分股:持续盈利 耿小武
- 春梦谁家经典 文瀚儀
- 在经营瑜伽中修行 谭渤漪
- 晴深似海 1991 龚宛玉
- 零基础学英语?用这一本就够了 瞿小璐
- 双生 徐健茗
- 96数字游戏 李玉茁
- 生命自由之船——我所理解的《道德经》 汪孝杰
- 易道源流 方志明
- The One Saving Grace: From the author of the bestselling 'A Village Affair' (English Edition) Julie Houston
- A Village Affair: a laugh out loud, heartwarming novel perfect for summer reading (English Edition) Julie Houston
- The Perfect Lie: the gripping new psychological thriller from the author of the bestselling The Good Mother (English Edition) Karen Osman
- Christmas at the Foyles Bookshop: a moving wartime saga to curl up with this Christmas (The Foyles Girls Book 3) (English Edition) Elaine Roberts
- Summer on the Italian Lakes: the perfect feel good love story from bestselling author Lucy Coleman (English Edition) Lucy Coleman
- The Place We Call Home: an emotional story of love, loss and family (English Edition) Faith Hogan
- The Girl from Vichy: The USA Today bestselling historical fiction page turner (English Edition) Andie Newton
- The Other Woman: A suspenseful crime thriller with a domestic noir twist (DC Beth Chamberlain Book 1) (English Edition) Jane Isaac
- 作家榜经典:白鲸(所有你失去的,都会以另一种方式归来!乔布斯、马尔克斯、鲍勃·迪伦、村上春树的共同爱好就是读《白鲸》) (大星作家榜经典文库) 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔
- Finding You: A feel-good love story set in Milan (English Edition) Danielle Ryan
- 想象一朵未来的玫瑰:佩索阿诗选(深圳读书月“2019年度十大文学好书”,诗人陈黎、黄灿然、蓝蓝、王敖推荐)(雅众文化出品) 费尔南多·佩索阿、杨铁军
- 作家榜经典:达摩流浪者(永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶!人生灯塔之书,带你走出迷茫!全新未删节插图珍藏版) (大星作家榜经典文库) 杰克·凯鲁亚克、陈东飚
- Technological Processes for Marine Foods, From Water to Fork: Bioactive Compounds, Industrial Applications, and Genomics (Innovations in Agricultural & Biological Engineering) (English Edition) Megh R. Goyal、Hafiz Ansar Rasul Suleria、Shanmugam Kirubanandan
- Functionalized Engineering Materials and Their Applications (English Edition) Sabu Thomas、Nandakumar Kalarikkal、Pious C. V.、Zakiah Ahmad、Józef Tadeusz Haponiuk
- Statistical Methods in Psychiatry Research and SPSS (English Edition) M. Venkataswamy Reddy
- Global Biodiversity: Volume 2: Selected Countries in Europe (English Edition) T. Pullaiah
- Modern Physical Chemistry: Engineering Models, Materials, and Methods with Applications (Innovations in Physical Chemistry) (English Edition) Reza K. Haghi、Emili Besalu、Maciej Jaroszewski、Sabu Thomas、Praveen K.M.
- Temperate Horticulture for Sustainable Development and Environment: Ecological Aspects (English Edition) Larissa I. Weisfeld、Anatoly I. Opalko、Sarra A. Bekuzarova
- Microbiology for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health, and Environmental Protection (English Edition) Deepak Kumar Verma