- 不急不催 轻松让孩子学会时间管理 何小英
- 百面深度学习 算法工程师带你去面试 诸葛越、江云胜
- 活出精彩——妈妈的职业规划应该这样做(古典、秋叶、王潇、魏莉、李海峰等大咖倾力推荐) 白小白
- 大学生职业生涯规划(慕课版 双色版)(职业生涯) 通识教育规划教材编写组
- 华为人才管理之道 陈雨点
- 大学生职业生涯规划(慕课版 第2版)(职业生涯) 通识教育规划教材编写组
- 职业生涯规划(第3版)(附微课视频)(为书中重难点知识配套微课视频,提高学生学习兴趣。) 王志洲、韦静坚、曹安民
- 鲍秀兰谈母婴喂养与辅食添加(著名儿科专家鲍秀兰教授深度剖析母乳喂养与辅食添加) 鲍秀兰
- 新媒体新闻写作、编辑与传播(传统新闻课程与新媒体的融合) 唐铮
- 蒙台梭利早教全书(享誉全球的早教经典名著,全球畅销上亿册,权威的精装珍藏本) ﹝意﹞玛丽亚·蒙台梭利
- 嫁给爱情:亲密关系的真相(日本筑波大学名誉教授情动认知行为疗法创始人,揭示亲密关系背后的DNA法则,造就幸福美满的婚姻) 宗像恒次
- 成长型养育:用成长型思维,培养孩子未来核心竞争力(深耕早幼教行业28年的高寿岩(喵姐)多年积淀之作) 高寿岩
- Stability in Model Populations (MPB-31) (Monographs in Population Biology) (English Edition) Laurence D. Mueller、Amitabh Joshi
- Early Diagenesis: A Theoretical Approach (Princeton Series in Geochemistry) (English Edition) Robert A. Berner
- Mate Choice in Plants (MPB-19), Volume 19: Tactics, Mechanisms, and Consequences. (MPB-19) (Monographs in Population Biology) (English Edition) Nancy Burley、Mary F. Willson
- Population Ecology of the Cooperatively Breeding Acorn Woodpecker. (MPB-24), Volume 24 (Monographs in Population Biology) (English Edition) Walter D. Koenig、Ronald L. Mumme
- Cultural Transmission and Evolution (MPB-16), Volume 16: A Quantitative Approach. (MPB-16) (Monographs in Population Biology) (English Edition) Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza、Marcus W. Feldman
- Another Reason: Science and the Imagination of Modern India (English Edition) Gyan Prakash
- Quaternions and Rotation Sequences: A Primer with Applications to Orbits, Aerospace and Virtual Reality (English Edition) J. B. Kuipers
- Population Ecology of Individuals. (MPB-25), Volume 25 (Monographs in Population Biology) (English Edition) Adam Lomnicki
- More Surprises in Theoretical Physics (Princeton Series in Physics) (English Edition) Rudolf Peierls
- The Theory of Sex Allocation. (MPB-18), Volume 18 (Monographs in Population Biology) (English Edition) Eric L. Charnov
- Air and Water: The Biology and Physics of Life's Media (English Edition) Mark Denny
- Our Great Purpose: Adam Smith on Living a Better Life (English Edition) Ryan Patrick Hanley
- The Passion of Al-Hallaj, Mystic and Martyr of Islam, Volume 2: The Survival of al-Hallaj (Princeton Legacy Library) (English Edition) Louis Massignon、Herbert Mason
- Trigonometric Delights (Princeton Science Library) (English Edition) Eli Maor
- The Edges of the Earth in Ancient Thought: Geography, Exploration, and Fiction (English Edition) James S. Romm
- The History of Everyday Life: Reconstructing Historical Experiences and Ways of Life (Princeton Studies in Culture/Power/History) (English Edition) Alf Ludtke、William Templer
- Natural Selection in the Wild. (MPB-21), Volume 21 (Monographs in Population Biology) (English Edition) John A. Endler
- Theoretical Aspects of Population Genetics. (MPB-4), Volume 4 (Monographs in Population Biology) (English Edition) Motoo Kimura、Tomoko Ohta
- Art and Eloquence in Byzantium (Princeton Legacy Library) (English Edition) Henry Maguire
- Britain's Day-flying Moths: A Field Guide to the Day-flying Moths of Great Britain and Ireland, Fully Revised and Updated Second Edition (Britain's Wildlife Book 29) (English Edition) David Newland、Robert Still、Andy Swash
- 自然史:迷人的植物王国(入选多版本语文教材,人生不可错过的博物学入门级读物) 乔治·布封、林雅旻
- 成就内心强大的男孩 郝忠深
- 怀孕育儿大百科(为中国家庭编写的孕产育百科工具书) 王玉萍
- 坐月子常识与新生儿护理500问(畅销升级版) (幸福妈咪系列) 吴庆庆
- 你的常识会杀死皮肤(三位韩国皮肤科专家揭开皮肤真相,破解完美肌肤的深层秘密。90%的人正在不经意地毁坏自己的皮肤!) [韩] 李相浚,金炫珠,申玟镜
- 鲍秀兰谈婴幼儿健全人格培养(著名儿科专家鲍秀兰教授,50余年儿科临床经验总结,解决孩子任性、不愿与人交往、过度依恋妈妈等问题,培养孩子健全的人格) 鲍秀兰
- 医师家的宝宝辅食营养餐(医师妈妈亲手制作,用心实拍,做宝宝爱吃的营养辅食) 徐蕤、徐霏
- 花开总有时:早产儿小慢妈妈的真情笔记(张海迪亲笔寄语、卢勤倾心作序、大J动情推荐) 小慢妈妈
- 妈妈是宝宝最好的按摩师 (芝宝贝) 崔绍珍、宋艳
- 超强学习力:日常学习难题的48个解决方案(台湾资深教育专家20年观察和研究,让孩子爱学习,会学习) 薛文英、简志峰
- 成长的秘密:青春期男孩生理知识手册 沧浪
- 大浴女(以塞尚的名画之名命名的长篇小说;铁凝极为畅销作品之一;被改编成同名影视剧作) (铁凝长篇) 铁凝
- 笨花(铁凝的第四部长篇小说;入选“新中国70年70部长篇小说典藏”) (铁凝长篇) 铁凝
- 无雨之城(铁凝第二部长篇作品;铁凝极为畅销作品之一;我的可靠叙述会使你相信作品本身) (铁凝长篇) 铁凝
- 玫瑰门(铁凝长篇处女作;被汪曾祺先生高度评价的作品) 铁凝
- Do Economists Make Markets?: On the Performativity of Economics (English Edition) Donald MacKenzie、Fabian Muniesa、Lucia Siu
- Quantitative Management of Bond Portfolios (Advances in Financial Engineering Book 1) (English Edition) Lev Dynkin、Anthony Gould、Jay Hyman、Vadim Konstantinovsky、Bruce Phelps
- Perfect Form: Variational Principles, Methods, and Applications in Elementary Physics (English Edition) Don S. Lemons
- Albert Einstein, Mileva Maric: The Love Letters (English Edition) Albert Einstein、Jürgen Renn、Robert Schulmann、Shawn Smith
- Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politics: Logical, Methodological, and Psychological Perspectives (English Edition) Philip E. Tetlock、Aaron Belkin
- In the Shadow of Illness: Parents and Siblings of the Chronically Ill Child (English Edition) Myra Bluebond-Langner
- Kant and the Capacity to Judge: Sensibility and Discursivity in the Transcendental Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason (English Edition) Béatrice Longuenesse
- Arab Seafaring: In the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times - Expanded Edition (English Edition) George F. Hourani、John Carswell
- The Economics of E-Commerce: A Strategic Guide to Understanding and Designing the Online Marketplace (English Edition) Nir Vulkan
- The Forging of Bureaucratic Autonomy: Reputations, Networks, and Policy Innovation in Executive Agencies, 1862-1928 (Princeton Studies in American Politics: ... Perspectives Book 173) (English Edition) Daniel Carpenter
- Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite (English Edition) Joseph Warren Dauben
- Exploitation (English Edition) Alan Wertheimer
- 0~6岁儿童游戏地图:给父母的陪玩陪学手册(陈忻、小土大橙子诚意推荐!) 云妈
- W. Arthur Lewis and the Birth of Development Economics (Princeton Legacy Library) (English Edition) Robert L. Tignor
- 婴幼儿养育和早期教育实用手册(鲍秀兰携全国96家医疗机构、268位儿科专家,解答婴幼儿在成长过程中需要迫切解决的各种问题) 鲍秀兰
- 成长,不慌张(常青藤爸爸、粥悦悦、暖暖妈推荐;牛妈彭小蹦推出的治愈、减压又发人深省的亲子漫画书;被 “凯叔讲故事”“尹建莉父母学堂”等争相转载) 彭小蹦
- 跟早教专家学儿童潜能开发(“家庭早教三部曲”完美收官之作!百万粉丝公众号“大J小D”创始人大J全新力作!) 大J
- 母爱,是一场得体的退出(《从容养育》作者六妈罗罗、畅销书作者艾小羊、高人气自媒体作家李月亮感动推荐。) 闫涵
- 育儿中的1288个问题与答案 李松
- 青春期不迷茫:心理专家写给10~18岁男孩女孩的成长书(春期男孩女孩的心灵成长书) 张丽珊、郭子轩
- 弹性养育:给孩子有界限的爱和规矩(尊重孩子的感受,并不等于溺爱;照顾孩子的感受,规则更易接受) 刘汝兰
- 爱和陪伴(华德福生活馆温暖推荐。一本会呼吸的生活教养书!让亲子生活富有灵动和生趣,让孩子在生活中获得滋养和成长。) 雪宁
- 高效能家校沟通:陪孩子顺利走过中小学(亲子教育专家、老师写给家长的超级沟通宝典!) 何贤桂
- 跟美国儿科医生学育儿(朱丹推荐,丹妈妈新手分享,做学习型和知识型妈妈,让宝宝和妈妈都遇见更好的自己) 大J
- 怀孕分娩育儿全书(产科医生全程解读怀孕分娩育儿常识,呵护孕妈妈和胎宝宝的健康) 王晓梅
- 鲍秀兰谈婴幼儿养育误区(著名儿科专家鲍秀兰教授,50余年儿科临床经验总结,深度剖析常见婴幼儿养育误区,解决孩子养育过程中面临的多种问题,帮助家长形成正确、科学的育儿观念。) 鲍秀兰
- The Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism (Princeton Essays in Literature Book 2) (English Edition) Fredric Jameson
- The Evolution of Parental Care (Monographs in Behavior and Ecology) (English Edition) T. H. Clutton-Brock
- Identity Crisis: The 2016 Presidential Campaign and the Battle for the Meaning of America (English Edition) John Sides、Michael Tesler、Lynn Vavreck
- The Florida Scrub Jay (MPB-20), Volume 20: Demography of a Cooperative-Breeding Bird. (MPB-20) (Monographs in Population Biology) (English Edition) Glen Everett Woolfenden、John W. Fitzpatrick
- Only Connect: Art and the Spectator in the Italian Renaissance (The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Book 1988) (English Edition) John K.G. Shearman
- Population Harvesting (MPB-27), Volume 27: Demographic Models of Fish, Forest, and Animal Resources. (MPB-27) (Monographs in Population Biology) (English Edition) Wayne M. Getz、Robert G. Haight
- How and Why Species Multiply: The Radiation of Darwin's Finches (Princeton Series in Evolutionary Biology) (English Edition) Peter R. Grant、B. Rosemary Grant
- 小英雄雨来(《小英雄雨来》的定本;影响几代少年儿童的脍炙人口的经典;全新校订,注释详尽;附录作者其他经典小说5篇) (小学语文教材“快乐读书吧”推荐书目) 管桦
- 下一次将是烈火(20世纪美国文坛无可取代的良心——詹姆斯·鲍德温!简体中文版首次出版!) 詹姆斯·鲍德温
- 翁达杰作品系列:英国病人(布克奖成立50年最佳小说,奥斯卡9项大奖电影原著) 迈克尔·翁达杰
- 基列三部曲(普利策小说奖得主、美国前总统奥巴马挚爱的作家,玛丽莲·罗宾逊!基利小镇三个如寓言般庄重的故事,讲述存在本身巨大而非凡的力量) 玛丽莲·罗宾逊、李尧、应雁
- 星辰时刻(奥尔罕·帕慕克、科尔姆·托宾倾力推荐,拉美文坛真正独树一帜的作家,关于“身份”探问的诗性之作) (中经典精选) 克拉丽丝·李斯佩克朵
- 荣国府的经济账(一本从经济、财产角度细读《红楼梦》的佳作) 陈大康
- 硅谷工程师爸爸的超强思维导图课(凯叔诚意推荐,融合3-12岁美国课堂思维训练精华,7大模块思维导图内容,塑造儿童学习型大脑) 小杨老师、憨爸
- 正面管教男孩的100个细节 韩全
- 孕产妇日常保健专家方案(最新的孕产期保健理念,科学的营养饮食方案,专家为您孕期全程保驾护航) 王玉萍
- 降血压不可不知的300个细节 (守护健康生活系列) 石赟
- 爱的觉醒:成长自己,成就孩子(成长自己,成就孩子!这是本书的灵魂。孩子的问题在家长,家长的问题需成长。不懂得自修的家长,眼里永远有一个不听话的孩子!) 鲍阅
- 寻找美丽——马妮和形体梳理(形体梳理创始人、北京奥运会礼仪专业志愿者形体仪态培训师马妮诚意之作,专业性、实用性兼具) 马妮
- 保肝护肝不可不知的300个细节 (守护健康生活系列) 石赟
- Meritocracy and Economic Inequality (English Edition) Kenneth Arrow、Samuel Bowles、Steven N. Durlauf
- Bovids of the World: Antelopes, Gazelles, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, and Relatives (Princeton Field Guides Book 104) (English Edition) José R. Castelló、Brent Huffman、Colin Groves
- Mastering 'Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect (English Edition) Joshua D. Angrist、Jörn-Steffen Pischke
- Dream, Death, and the Self (English Edition) J. J. Valberg
- The Master Equation and the Convergence Problem in Mean Field Games: (AMS-201) (Annals of Mathematics Studies) (English Edition) Pierre Cardaliaguet、François Delarue、Jean-Michel Lasry、Pierre-Louis Lions
- Of Privacy and Power: The Transatlantic Struggle over Freedom and Security (English Edition) Henry Farrell、Abraham L. Newman
- Two Cheers for Higher Education: Why American Universities Are Stronger Than Ever—and How to Meet the Challenges They Face (The William G. Bowen Series Book 117) (English Edition) Steven Brint