- 米朵朵上学记:噼噼啪啪二年级 任小霞
- 边塞内外:王小甫学术文存 (东方文库) 王小甫
- 麦加菲美国语文精选读本·英文版(上下册) (史上最经典的美国中学生文史读本) 威廉·霍姆斯·麦加菲、杨东龙、陈赓拓
- 禅说庄子:骈拇、外物 冯学成
- A Doll's House: A Play (English Edition) Henrik Ibsen
- Colin (English Edition) E. F. Benson
- Flight: A Novel (English Edition) Sherman Alexie
- The Collected Novels Volume Two: Odd Girl Out, Something in Disguise, Falling, and Getting It Right (English Edition) Elizabeth Jane Howard
- "Ace" Any Test (Ron Fry's How to Study Program Book 1) (English Edition) Ron Fry
- 龚鹏程讲道 龚鹏程
- 美国文明三部曲(全3册) (无) 钱满素
- 秦汉名物丛考 (岳麓书院国学文库) 王子今
- Handbook of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Systems Innovation Book Series) (English Edition) Adedeji B. Badiru
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- Marketing Communications in the Pharmaceutical Industry (English Edition) Peter Holden
- The Neutrophil: Cellular Biochemistry and Physiology (English Edition) Maurice B. Hallett
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- Molecular Imaging in Oncology (English Edition) Martin G. Pomper、Juri G. Gelovani
- Restoration of Function in Upper Limb Paralyses and Muscular Defects (English Edition) Raoul Tubiana、Alain Gilbert、Caroline Leclercq、René Malek
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- Applied Ergonomics Handbook (English Edition) Michael J. Burke
- Textbook of Immunology (English Edition) Constantin A. Bona、Francisco A. Bonilla
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- Hepatotoxicology (English Edition) Robert G. Meeks、Steadman Harrison
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- Intracellular pH and its Measurement (English Edition) Arnost Kotyk、Jan Slavik
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- 顶级销售员做单训练(服务的细节) 横田雅俊、马信贞
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- 中国P2P借贷服务行业白皮书(2015) (无) 零壹投资咨询(北京)有限公司
- The Dream of the Red Chamber (English Edition) Cao Xueqin
- History of the Peloponnesian War (English Edition) Thucydides
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- Forests at the Wildland-Urban Interface: Conservation and Management (Integrative Studies in Water Management & Land Development) (English Edition) L. Annie Hermansen、Susan W. Vince、Mary L. Duryea、Edward A. Macie、Annie Hermansen
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- 语言写作指导与好词好句好段(下) (学生作文方法与好词好句好段借鉴 4) 学生作文指导小组
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- 语言学讲义 卢英顺
- 菊与刀 本尼迪克特