- 限嫁高冷老公:豪门新妻(阅文白金大神作家作品) 不笑倾城
- 高冷老公的豪夺:追妻100天 皇族菲儿
- Moon and Sixpence (免费公版书) (English Edition) W. Somerset (William Somerset) Maugham
- 辣妻难追:神秘老公太闷骚 花木蓝蓝
- Emotions of Normal People (English Edition) William Moulton Marston
- The Century Vocabulary Builder (English Edition) Joseph M. (Joseph Morris) Bachelor、Garland Greever
- Short Stories Old and New (免费公版书) (English Edition) C Alphonso Smith、C. Alphonso (Charles Alphonso) Smith
- Cranford (免费公版书) (English Edition) Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
- 宝贝儿,咱们再婚 思我之心
- Joseph Andrews (English Edition) Henry Fielding
- 鲤·匿名作家(张悦然主编《鲤》十周年全新改版,文学界“蒙面唱将”新形式) 张悦然
- 中华传统文化常识指津 (中华书局) 袁湛江
- 冬泳:人们从水中仰起面庞承接命运的无声飘落【易烊千玺推荐阅读!“豆瓣阅读征文大赛”首奖得主班宇处女作!阿乙•蒋方舟•李诞•谈波 齐声推荐!】 班宇
- Cinderella's New York Christmas (The Cattaneos' Christmas Miracles Book 1) (English Edition) Scarlet Wilson
- The Intelligent Investor, Rev. Ed (English Edition) Benjamin Graham、Jason Zweig、Warren E. Buffett
- 捡个大神当老公 老磨煎饼
- 豪门老公有猫腻 百里夜星
- 调教财阀老公:太子妃的契约婚史 单衫子
- 监守自盗,偷来的老公超暖心 依琴翩飞
- Letters to His Children (English Edition) Theodore Roosevelt
- Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems (English Edition) Christina Georgina Rossetti
- The Woman in the Woods: A Thriller (Charlie Parker Book 16) (English Edition) John Connolly
- Including Culture In Development: A step-by-step guide (English Edition) Urban Land Institute
- 豪门老公请退婚 奇葩飒
- 爱情糖果 刘采采
- 孤独的性:手淫文化史 拉科尔、杨俊峰 等
- Sanctuary: The Preservation Issue (Conjunctions Book 70) (English Edition) Bradford Morrow、Peter Straub、Martine Bellen、Rick Moody、Mei-mei Berssenbrugge、Mary Caponegro、Brian Evenson、Peter Gizzi、Robert Kelly、Ann Lauterbach、Howard Norman、Karen Russell、Joanna Scott、David Shields、John Edgar Wideman、Diane Ackerman、Dinaw Mengestu
- Antoni in the Kitchen (English Edition) Antoni Porowski、Mindy Fox
- 老公坏坏惹人爱:偏偏爱你 唯彩晓晓
- The Grimoire of Kensington Market (English Edition) Lauren B. Davis
- 余生有你警校三部曲(时光盗不走的你+我的世界你已不见+听见风说爱你的声音) 析伽
- 家园笔记[著名作家谈歌代表作品 长篇小说《家园笔记》曾经荣获第五届国家图书奖提名奖] 谈歌
- 宠妻N+1:老公,晚安 漠染
- 我的老婆是财神 落雪楼
- 隐婚老公,玩心跳! 苏止水
- Procedural Storytelling in Game Design (English Edition) Tanya X. Short、Tarn Adams
- 掌门不设防(影视同名小说《山海经上古密约》作者苏末那新作!诙谐幽默的江湖恋爱故事!花火工作室鼎力推荐!) 苏末那
- Fart Proudly: Writings of Benjamin Franklin You Never Read in School (English Edition) Benjamin Franklin、Carl Japikse
- A Tall History of Sugar (English Edition) Curdella Forbes
- The Times Beginner’s Guide to Bridge: All you need to play the game (English Edition) Andrew Robson、The Times Mind Games
- Mammal Tracks & Sign: A Guide to North American Species (English Edition) Mark Elbroch、Casey McFarland
- 保罗·奥斯特作品集(套装共8册)【村上春树赞赏的当代小说大师 保罗·奥斯特罕见暖心治愈之作 理想国出品】 [美]保罗·奥斯特
- The Line Between: A Novel (English Edition) Tosca Lee
- Notes on a Nervous Planet (English Edition) Matt Haig
- 你亲爱的我 (一眼心动的甜美爱情。清冷天才中医+呆萌电台主持人=暖心小CP。) 公子十三
- 余生只待你 (公子凉夜再创甜虐都市言情,一场甜到极致又殇到落泪的命中相遇。) 公子凉夜
- Snowdrops at The Birdie and Bramble (The Birdie & Bramble series) (English Edition) Alison Craig
- Brown Girl Ghosted (English Edition) Mintie Das
- Bakerita: 100+ No-Fuss Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, and Refined Sugar-Free Recipes for the Modern Baker (English Edition) Rachel Conners
- 良辰好景,老婆,离婚无效!(阅文白金大神作家作品) 忆昔颜
- 帝皇四少:高冷老公别敲门 凤舞
- 独家占爱,总裁结婚吧! 殷千城
- 纯金校草的完美初恋 白金金.
- 总裁,我已婚! 喵星果果
- 萌妻难养,腹黑老公有代沟第6卷 liaowumian
- 穿越之我不当废柴 步惊鸿
- Close Enough (The Jack Sampson Mysteries Book 2) (The Jasck Sampson Mysteries) (English Edition) Henry Cline
- The Philosophy of Andy Warhol: From A to B and Back Again (English Edition) Andy Warhol
- Learn CUDA Programming: A beginner's guide to GPU programming and parallel computing with CUDA 10.x and C/C++ (English Edition) Jaegeun Han、Bharatkumar Sharma
- Robert B. Parker's Buckskin (A Cole and Hitch Novel Book 10) (English Edition) Robert Knott
- sister carrie (I) 嘉莉妹妹(英文版) (English Edition) Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser
- Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual: For Everyone from Beginner to Pro (English Edition) Bobbi Brown
- Bowl of Heaven and Shipstar (English Edition) Gregory Benford、Larry Niven
- Amo, Amas, Amat ... and All That: How to Become a Latin Lover (English Edition) Harry Mount
- The Devil's Birthday: The Bridges to Arnhem 1944 (English Edition) Geoffrey Powell、John Hackett
- Pirates and Privateers in the 18th Century: The Final Flourish (English Edition) Mike Rendell
- The Eyes of the Queen: A Novel (An Agents of the Crown Novel Book 1) (English Edition) Oliver Clements
- 医见钟情,我的老公太高冷第6卷(阅文白金大神作家作品) 葉雪
- 独家密爱:误惹薄情老公(阅文白金大神作家作品) 兮烟
- 凤舞兰陵(媲美《楚乔传》!书写少女将军顾欢驰骋疆场、保家卫国的传奇一生!) 满座衣冠胜雪
- 汉字里的中国—咬文嚼字精选一百篇 陈璧耀
- Grace Like a Whisper (Cantrell Sisters) (English Edition) Edna Lee Allen
- 高冷男神初恋妻:求婚55次 佪亿
- 第一宠婚:老公,请自重(阅文白金大神作家作品) 一笑倾晨
- 肥妃霸道,美病王溺爱情深 金水媚
- 恋人在身边 miss_苏
- Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis (English Edition) Raymond P.W. Scott
- 哈佛谈判心理学:哈佛大学谈判项目组全新成果(全新修订版) 艾莉卡·爱瑞儿·福克斯
- Mother's Child (English Edition) Michael Conant
- Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, Sexy, and Smart—Until You're 80 and Beyond (English Edition) Chris Crowley、Henry S. Lodge
- 你不说话也很甜(怼天怼地俞大少捉弄不成反被套路,牵手摸头怀抱杀,壁咚强吻甩票子。堕落成洗手作羹汤的话痨少男!) 森木岛屿
- Chasing the Raag Dream: A Look into the World of Hindustani Classical Music (English Edition) Pradhan. Aneesh
- 钟南山 : 生命的卫士(抗疫期间紧急出版,电子书领先纸书首发,免费公益阅读!致敬逆行者!) 李秋沅
- 初恋的化学反应(超级追星迷妹vs乐团指挥大佬,史上最穷站姐追星竟追到爱豆发小!) 十万月光
- Faust(II)浮士德(英文版) (English Edition) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- The Book Thief (English Edition) Markus Zusak
- Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (English Edition) Ron Chernow
- Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting (English Edition) Syd Field
- Rescue and Reuse: Communities, Heritage and Architecture (English Edition) Ian Morrison、Merlin Waterson
- Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry (English Edition) Donald Treadwell、Andrea M. Davis
- 豪门闪婚:霸道老公,求离婚 如意西西
- 拒嫁契约老公:萌妻蜜宠99天 容华
- 一吻成瘾:人鱼老公太凶猛 寒子夜
- 娇妻太缠人:老公,投降吧! 一枕流年
- 甜妻太呆萌:老公,请住手 水煮小龙虾
- 总裁老公很难缠 端木初初
- 总裁大人请离婚 洛浅浅
- 婚好月圆:老公,娶我赠娃 茶色妖妖
- 男神魅惑:乖乖老婆别休我 迷人的大白鲨
- 撒旦老公,不离婚!(全本) 妖千千