《华夏基石管理评论》第53辑 《华夏基石管理评论》
White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism (English Edition) Ashley W. Doane、Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
The American Polity: Essays On The Theory And Practice Of Constitutional Government (Middle Ages) (English Edition) Edward J. Erler
Organizational Behavior and Public Management, Revised and Expanded (Public Administration and Public Policy Book 68) (English Edition) Michael L. Vasu、Debra W. Stewart、G. David Garson
Slavery & the Law (English Edition) Paul Finkelman、Derrick Bell、Jonathan A. Bush、Jacob I. Corré、Michael Kent Curtis、William W. Fisher III、Ariela Gross、James Oliver Horton、Lois Horton、Sanford Levinson、Thomas D. Morris、Thomas D. Russell、Judith Kelleher Schafer、Alan Watson
Casting the Other: The Production and Maintenance of Inequalities in Work Organizations (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society) (English Edition) Barbara Czarniawska、Heather Hopfl
Essai Sur Le Peuple Et La Langue Banda (Région Du Tchad) Georges Toqué
Thesaurus Construction and Use: A Practical Manual (English Edition) Jean Aitchison、David Bawden、Alan Gilchrist
Libraries, the Internet, and Scholarship: the Internet, and Scholarship: Tools and Trends Converging (English Edition) Charles F. Thomas
The Black Panther Party and Transformative Pedagogy: Place-Based Education in Philadelphia (English Edition) Omari L. Dyson
生殖健康验方精粹 陈镕时等
The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy: Volume 7 (English Edition) Burt Hopkins、Steven Crowell
Taking Action on Internet Gambling: Federal Policymaking 1995–2011 (English Edition) Russell K. Mayer
Internet Privacy Rights: Rights to Protect Autonomy (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law Book 24) (English Edition) Paul Bernal
少食为妙 赵心常
傅青主女科 傅山
图解人体科学:我们为什么会生病(在简单、有趣的文字中探寻疾病的原因与生命的奇妙) (有趣得让人睡不着的通识课系列 1) 志贺贡、郝彤彤
长沙方歌括白话解(第3版) 聂惠民、王庆国、傅延龄等
中医学概论 储全根、胡志希
实用康复医学 丁涛
医院医疗质量标准化管理手册 许玉华
秒睡:幸福人生的睡眠秘诀 刘毅君
珠峰海螺(致敬珠峰新高度;一部融会极峰探险、商海浮沉、情感纠葛等多元素的长篇力作;人民文学出版社倾力打造) 黄怒波
Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets (English Edition) David Simon
The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists (English Edition) Neil Strauss
Naming Names (English Edition) Victor S. Navasky
News from Nowhere and Other Writings (Penguin Classics) (English Edition) William Morris、Clive Wilmer
The Water Dancer: A Novel (English Edition) Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Importance of Fathers: A Psychoanalytic Re-evaluation (New Library of Psychoanalysis) (English Edition) Alicia Etchegoyen、Judith Trowell
How to Read a Book (A Touchstone Book) (English Edition) Charles Van Doren、Mortimer J. Adler
The Yellow Wind: A History (English Edition) David Grossman、Haim Watzman
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations About Race (English Edition) Beverly Daniel Tatum
敦煌医学研究大成.养生与杂论卷 李金田、朱向东
The Death and Life of Great American Cities (English Edition) Jane Jacobs
开启健康新旅程:关乎现代人健康的十六个理念 张备
特效312经络锻炼养生法(第2版) 祝总骧
颜德馨衡法养生新论 严夏、王大伟
中医辟谷养生技术 郭建红、俞海虹
The Gone Dead: A Novel (English Edition) Chanelle Benz
Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft (GOLLANCZ S.F.) (English Edition) H. P. Lovecraft
Tales from Shakespeare (Penguin Classics) (English Edition) Charles Lamb、Mary、Marina Warner
Inferno (Bantam Classics) (English Edition) Dante、Barry Moser、Allen Mandelbaum
White Rose (English Edition) Kip Wilson
中医歌诀白话解丛书·针灸经络腧穴歌诀白话解(第3版) 谷世喆、齐立洁、任秀君
中医药大数据与真实世界 谢雁鸣、王志飞
早期密集训练实战图解 藤坂龙司、松井绘理子
神经内科疾病临床诊断与治疗方案 (临床诊断与治疗方案系列) 曾进胜
洞天奥旨 (明清中医临证小丛书) 陈士铎、柳长华
河間醫集 金·刘完素、孙洽熙、李世华等
陆渊雷《金匮要略今释》 陆渊雷
中国医院信息化30年 中国医院协会信息管理专业委员会;《中国数字医学》杂志社编写组
中医临证对药大全 王道瑞
病历书写示范(第3版) 霍仲厚
本草汇纂 (中国古医籍整理丛书·本草) 屠道和著、苗彦霞
On the Road: The Original Scroll: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) (English Edition) Jack Kerouac、Howard Cunnell、Penny Vlagopoulos、George Mouratidis、Joshua Kupetz
Fighters of Fear: Occult Detective Stories (English Edition) Mike Ashley
The Devil's Dictionary (魔鬼辞典) (English Edition) Ambrose Bierce、(安布鲁斯·比尔斯)
Leaves on Frozen Ground (Guernica World Editions Book 11) (English Edition) Dave Carty
前列腺癌——男性早关注 马琪
内科学 消化内科分册 唐承薇、张澍田
翁维良活血化瘀十二法 李秋艳
One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate (English Edition) Tom Segev、Haim Watzman
America's Constitution: A Biography (English Edition) Akhil Reed Amar
The Canon in Southeast Asian Literature: Literatures of Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Phillippines, Thailand and Vietnam (Curzon Soas Books) (English Edition) David Smyth
Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective (English Edition) Peter L. Berger
The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done (Harperbusiness Essentials) (English Edition) Peter F. Drucker
Power Failure: The Inside Story of The Collapse of Enron (English Edition) Mimi Swartz、Sherron Watkins
Hist Afghanistan V 1 & 2 (Kegan Paul Library of Central Asia) (English Edition) Percy Sykes
Public Productivity Handbook, Second Edition (Public Administration and Public Policy Book 107) (English Edition) Marc Holzer
Don Quixote (Signet Classics) (English Edition) Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra、Tom Lathrop
Transport Policy (Spicers European Policy Reports) (English Edition) Kerry Hamilton
Dictionary of Existentialism (English Edition) Haim Gordon
好妈妈就是好老师 钟小琴
常见风湿病及相关骨科疾病中西医结合诊治 阎小萍、张烜、翁习生
丁香医生人体调查组【丁香医生首部健康科普著作!精神小伙、元气女孩私藏,“朋克养生”健康小漫画!】 丁香医生
领导的素养 杨思进
修心的智慧 陈开红
睡眠与养生 (国医健康绝学) 高敏
Grandparents as Carers of Children with Disabilities: Facing the Challenges (English Edition) Phillip Mccallion、Matthew Janicki
The Color Purple: The classic, Pulitzer Prize-winning novel (English Edition) Alice Walker
A Beautiful Vampire (Fantasy and Horror Classics) (English Edition) Arabella Kenealy
Book Of Woodcraft (Kegan Paul American Heritage Library) (English Edition) Seton
宠儿(诺奖大师作品,《纽约时报》“25年来极佳美国小说”第1名!在黑暗中我的名字就叫宠儿。) (诺奖托妮·莫里森作品系列 3) 托妮•莫里森
The Intermediate Finite Element Method: Fluid Flow And Heat Transfer Applications (Series in Computational Methods and Physical Processes in Mechanics and Thermal Sciences) (English Edition) DarrellW. Pepper
Building on the Past: A Guide to the Archaeology and Development Process (English Edition) G. McGill
时过子夜灯犹明:故居·故人·故事(合同名称故居故人故梦) 李鹿著
Handbook of Lead-Free Solder Technology for Microelectronic Assemblies (Mechanical Engineering) (English Edition) Karl J. Puttlitz、Kathleen A. Stalter
Handbook of Optical Engineering (Optical Science and Engineering 1) (English Edition) Brian J. Thompson
Project Surveying: Completely revised 2nd edition - General adjustment and optimization techniques with applications to engineering surveying (English Edition) Peter Richardus
Thermoforming: A Plastics Processing Guide, Second Edition (English Edition) Geza Gruenwald
Mechanical Wear Fundamentals and Testing: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded (Mechanical Engineering) (English Edition) Raymond G. Bayer
Jacques Derrida: Basic Writings (English Edition) Barry Stocker
Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do And Why They Do It (Basic Books Classics) (English Edition) James Q. Wilson
Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (English Edition) Lynn Beadle
Disability and Equality Law (The Library of Essays on Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law) (English Edition) Michael Ashley Stein、ElizabethF. Emens
Japan and the Dutch 1600-1853 (English Edition) Grant K. Goodman
Ecological Effects of Waste Water: Applied Limnology and Pollutant Effects (English Edition) E.B.Welch
共识之美:区块链经济的全景与未来 Block VC
我的280天完美孕程:健康孕产生活指南 中映良品
Computer Systems Engineering Management (English Edition) Robert S. Alford