- 大数据、移动互联网与基层党建(谷臻小简·AI导读版)(新时代的党建有新的风采) 束赟
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- 高情商沟通者的社交技巧(套装共6册) 古宫昇,时辰等
- A Wedding In December (English Edition) Anita Shreve
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- 二战回忆录(上、下册) 温斯顿·S·丘吉尔、魏群、高虹
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- 心理学与心理分析(畅销4版) 隋岩
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- 暗恋的罐头 刘烨
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- 培养你的完美女孩 崔鹏
- 工业机器人离线编程 何彩颖
- 名师讲坛——Spring实战开发(Redis+SpringDataJPA+SpringMVC+SpringSecurity) 李兴华
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- 图解荒野求生和自我防卫 许俊霞
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- Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine (English Edition) Marjorie Weinman Sharmat、Marc Simont
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- 法律故事汇:看故事学法律(双色插图本·公民普法版)(第二版) 中国法制出版社
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- The Life of the Spirit and the Life of To-day (English Edition) Evelyn Underhill
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- 1902:中国法的转型(依法治国,又如何汲取传统文化的精髓步入坚实之路?) 李贵连
- Pleasure With Products: Beyond Usability (Contemporary Trends Institute) (English Edition) William S. Green、Patrick W. Jordan
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悬念与意外交织的“致青春”) 岛田庄司
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- Spring Boot从入门到实战(涵盖Spring Boot整合众多热门技术的开发案例) 章为忠
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- Optimal and Robust Control: Advanced Topics with MATLAB (English Edition) Luigi Fortuna、Mattia Frasca
- 国学与经学(精) (中华书局) 刘梦溪
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- Memory: Foundations and Applications (English Edition) Bennett L. Schwartz
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- The Secret Garden (English Edition) Frances Hodgson Burnett
- 0~3岁喂养详解与必备食谱500例 万理
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- Club Dead: A True Blood Novel (Sookie Stackhouse Book 3) (English Edition) Charlaine Harris
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- 经济法教程 张文瑛
- 图解糖尿病饮食宝典 (大柠檬) 孙树侠
- Instant Healing: Mastering the Way of the Hawaiian Shaman Using Words, Images, Touch, and Energy (English Edition) Serge King
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- Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Grain Legumes, Volume I (English Edition) Ram J. Singh、Prem P. Jauhar
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- 中华人民共和国著作权法(最新修正本) 全国人大常委会办公厅(中国)
- 犯罪故意研究 贾宇
- 新思潮英语(4) 卢显伟
- 仔仔兔和贱贱兔 鱼骨互娱
- Misery (English Edition) Stephen King
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- Starry Night: A Christmas Novel (English Edition) Debbie Macomber
- 科学24小时 月刊 2012年03期 科学24小时
- The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties. (AM-151), Volume 151 (Annals of Mathematics Studies) (English Edition) Michael Harris、Richard Taylor
- Representations of Solvable Groups (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series Book 185) (English Edition) Olaf Manz、Thomas R. Wolf
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- Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Elliptic Systems. (AM-105), Volume 105 (Annals of Mathematics Studies) (English Edition) Mariano Giaquinta
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- Web前端开发简明教程(HTML+CSS+JavaScript+jQuery) (工业和信息化“十三五”人才培养规划教材) 邓春晖、秦映波
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- 《如何成为CFA二级通过率中的分子》两位中国CFA资深培训师,实践6年,紧紧贴近大纲自创了一套“一劳永逸”的公式方法更是彻底地解决了考生“死记硬背”的问题,绝对是国内唯一一套适合中国考生的CFA中文参考书。 何旋
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- Interactive Notebook,1 级 Carson-Dellosa Publishing、Parthemore、Triplett
- Interactive Notebook,3 级 Carson-Dellosa Publishing、Schwab
- Interactive Notebook,5 级 Carson-Dellosa Publishing、Elise Craver、Schwab
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