- 冷月(当代侦探小说大师,007系列官方指定作家杰夫里·迪弗力作。安乐椅神探林肯·莱姆最精彩的案件之一,两大系列主角联手破案,实物取证与心理分析的顶级对决 !) 杰夫里·迪弗
- Teaching to Transform Urban Schools and Communities: Powerful Pedagogy in Practice (English Edition) Etta R. Hollins
- Food Process Design and Evaluation (English Edition) Rakesh K. Singh
- Rural Health and Aging Research: Theory, Methods, and Practical Applications (Society and Aging Series) (English Edition) Wilbert M Gesler、Donna G Rabiner、Gordon H Defriese
- Education for Sustainable Development: What was achieved in the DESD? (English Edition) Roger Firth、Maggie Smith
- Work and the Evolving Self: Theoretical and Clinical Considerations (English Edition) Steven D Axelrod
- The Order of Things: Archaeology of the Human Sciences (Routledge Classics) (English Edition) Michel Foucault
- Carbon Dioxide Problem: Integrated Energy and Environmental Policies for the 21st Century (English Edition) Toshinori Kojima
- 认识脑电波(人类认知科学简史,揭开人类思想之谜,看脑科学如何实现人机交互,如何教我们学习) R·道格拉斯·菲尔茨、阮南捷
- 食品微波干燥技术及装备 段续
- 药物制剂技术(中职阶段) 汪婷婷
- 轻松看懂液压气动系统原理图 向东、李松晶
- 化工过程模拟——绿色节能与精密控制 王英龙、崔培哲、田文德
- 制药设备与工艺 陈宇洲
- 微信小程序开发实战:设计·运营·变现:图解案例版 陈顺军
- 远航:魏斐德演讲访谈录(过去30年中最好的近代中国史学家魏斐德,30年演讲访谈精粹中文合集首次出版) 魏斐德
- 科幻经典回家系列全集(《安德的游戏》作者,星云奖、雨果奖双料得主卡德巅峰巨作,人类离开家园的流浪,历经千年终将重返地球。) 奥森·斯科特·卡德
- 绫辻行人馆系列全集(新本格旗手绫辻行人最强代表作,日本推理小说的划时代巨著,馆系列全九部收录,十年等待,梦幻合集) 【日】绫辻行人
- 香港名人访谈录(新任特首林郑月娥独家专访,霍震霆、张学友等香港各界名人独家专访35篇,道出港人心声) 中央人民广播电台;香港特区政府驻京办
- 神秘博士:人类唯一 加雷斯·罗伯茨、施然
- 喜鹊谋杀案(美国亚马逊、《纽约时报》年度最佳图书,史无前例横扫日本五大推理榜单,独特的书中书、案中案,双重谜题带来双倍战栗!) 安东尼·霍洛维茨
- 废墟中的少女侦探2(魔女女王遇到废柴高中生,少女的谜团吸引着少年,抑或是……少女本身?) 相泽沙呼
- 每天都是小春日和(9.5高分电影《人生果实》《积存时间的生活》原著。一餐一饭一针一线,美好的爱情,就是与你一起慢慢变老。) 津端英子、津端修一、黄少安
- 我希望自己足够渺小 拾穗人
- The Career Decisions of Gifted Students and Other High Ability Groups (English Edition) Jae Yup Jung
- Who's Who in Verdi (Routledge Revivals) (English Edition) Jonathan Lewsey
- Self-presentation: Impression Management And Interpersonal Behavior (English Edition) Mark R Leary
- Juvenile Justice: An Introduction (English Edition) John T. Whitehead、Steven P. Lab
- Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy of Ferroelectrics and Related Materials (English Edition) Jonas Grigas
- Forest Management Auditing: Certification of Forest Products and Services (Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management) (English Edition) Lucio Brotto、Davide Pettenella
- A Study of Innovative Behavior: In High Technology Product Development Organizations (Studies on Industrial Productivity: Selected Works) (English Edition) Mark Anthony Robben
- Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality: Cutting Through Water (New Directions in the Philosophy of Education) (English Edition) Simon Ceder
- The Religionization of Israeli Society (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics) (English Edition) Yoav Peled、Horit Herman Peled
- John Williams: Changing the Culture of the Classical Guitar: Performance, perception, education and construction (Routledge Research in Music) (English Edition) Michael O'Toole
- Creative Historical Thinking (English Edition) Michael Douma
- The Assimilation of Immigrants in the U.S. Labor Market: Employment and Labor Force Turnover (Garland Studies in the History of American Labor) (English Edition) Michael E. Hurst
- Organizational Identity and Memory: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society) (English Edition) Andrea Casey
- Argument for Action: Ethics and Professional Conduct (Routledge Revivals) (English Edition) John Lawrence
- Video Field Production and Editing (English Edition) Ronald J. Compesi
- Glocal Languages and Critical Intercultural Awareness: The South Answers Back (Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication) (English Edition) Manuela Guilherme、Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza
- Copyright Law and Derivative Works: Regulating Creativity (Routledge Research in Intellectual Property) (English Edition) Omri Rachum-Twaig
- The Routledge Companion to New Cinema History (Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions) (English Edition) Daniel Biltereyst、Richard Maltby、Philippe Meers
- Forging Identities: Gender, Communities, And The State In India (English Edition) Zoya Hasan
- The Green Factor In German Politics: From Protest Movement To Political Party (English Edition) Gerd Langguth
- 国内风云人物传记精选集(全19册) 齐白石;冈崎雄儿;沈潜等
- 丸田芳郎:花王“中兴之祖” 佐佐木聪
- 危险地活着:伊文思传(他是纪录电影之父。他的一生就是一部20世纪电影史,他记录一个外国人眼中的中国人。) 汉斯•舒茨
- 链爱 永晴
- 身体真相:科学、历史和文化如何推动我们痴迷体重 哈里特·布朗
- 滚吧,生活 基思•理查兹 (Keith Richards)
- 物业管理实用流程·制度·表格·文本 邵小云
- 建筑设计BIM应用与实践 周诣、王丽颖
- 粉末冶金材料的疲劳 陈鼎、陈振华
- 微传感系统与应用 刘会聪、冯跃、孙立宁
- 家装水电工识图、安装、改造一本通 袁宝生
- 汽车环境污染与防治对策 李兴虎
- 工业机器人系统设计(合集) 吴伟国
- Maritime Economics 3e (English Edition) Martin Stopford
- 牛津时间旅行:末日之书(科幻大师康妮·威利斯时间旅行经典之作。瘟疫与人在相距百年的时空间交战,一部让人在绝望和苦难中坚信希望的科幻小说。) 康妮·威利斯、张希
- Poetry Against the World: Philip Larkin and Charles Tomlinson in Contemporary Britain (English Edition) Magdalena Kay
- Whose Body is it Anyway?: A sociological reflection upon fitness and wellbeing (English Edition) Ian Wellard
- Preparing the Educator in Counselor Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Knowledge and Developing Skills (English Edition) Laura R. Haddock、Joy S. Whitman
- Climate Change, Politics and the Press in Ireland (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability) (English Edition) David Robbins
- The African Labourer (African Ethnographic Studies of the 20th Century Book 52) (English Edition) G. St. J Orde-Browne
- 张宗宪的收藏江湖 嘉德艺术中心编著
- 圣母(日本“抑压推理”代表作,全文后20页,改变整个故事!即使不择手段也要保护我的女儿!) 秋吉理香子
- 新星读本(2018春夏 ) 新星出版社、李毛长
- 从书籍史到阅读史:阅读史研究理论与方法(通过对阅读史的研究,重新构建阅读的意义) 戴联斌
- 上古卷轴天际图书馆:历史(找寻命运之石,掀开古老而宏大的卷轴,听听这片大陆上人类与精灵、兽族之间的故事) 美国贝塞斯达软件公司
- 战斗妖精·雪风(全3册)(日本科幻小说最高奖“星云赏”获奖作品,一部追求人类与机械之间极限的划时代科幻巨著,被誉为连接动画和军事科幻小说之间的完美桥梁。) 神林长平
- 刺客信条:大明风云(育碧刺客信条首部中国风小说,东方无上心法和西方至强武技史无前例的对决!) 燕垒生
- 消失的人 杰夫里·迪弗
- 多旋翼无人机系统与应用 彭程、白越、田彦涛
- 除尘工程师手册 张殿印、王冠、肖春、张紫薇
- SCI论文写作和发表:You Can Do It [美]张俊东、杨亲正 编著
- 化学与生活 杨文、邱丽华
- 重点环境保护实用技术及示范工程汇编.2017 中国环境保护产业协会
- 海洋微藻生物技术 薛婷
- CADCAM应用技术——UG NX项目教程 史立峰
- 电子商务经典案例分析 王红红
- 过程控制方法及案例解读 布青雄
- 简明无机化学 吴文伟
- 100万精英都在学的Excel技巧(新手入门图书,早学会早升职加薪) 吴丽梅
- 速查速用:Excel公式与函数应用技巧 文杰书院
- 食品微生物学实验技术 李秀婷
- 蝙蝠侠手记:超人类绝密档案+邪恶力量:超自然生物图鉴 S.D.佩里;马修·曼宁;提姆·瓦格纳
- 久保田权四郎:日本匠人之魂 泽井实
- “密室之王”卡尔:不可能犯罪小说(系列全三册) 约翰·迪克森·卡尔
- Science, Technology, And Politics: Policy Analysis In Congress (English Edition) Gary Bryner
- Professionalism for the Built Environment (Building Research and Information) (English Edition) Simon Foxell
- Toward Greater Logic and Utility in Accounting: The Collected Writings of Philip W. Bell (Routledge New Works in Accounting History) (English Edition) Philip W. Bell
- An Auto/Biographical Approach to Learning Disability Research (Routledge Revivals) (English Edition) Dorothy Atkinson
- The Attachment-Based Focused Genogram Workbook: Expanding the Realms of Attachment Theory (English Edition) Rita DeMaria、Briana Bogue、Veronica Haggerty
- Routledge Handbook of Integrated Project Delivery (English Edition) Derek Walker、Steve Rowlinson
- Positive Interaction Skills: A Group Therapy Manual (English Edition) Robin Dynes
- Missionary of Tanganyika 1877-1888 (English Edition) Edward Coode Hore、James B. Wolf
- Monadologies (English Edition) Jeremy Dunham、Pauline Phemister
- The Neurologically-Impaired Child: Doman-Delacato Techniques Reappraised (Psychology Library Editions: Neuropsychology Book 4) (English Edition) Robert A. Cummins
- Revival: Mnemic Psychology (1923) (Routledge Revivals) (English Edition) Richard Wolfgang Semon、Bella Duffy、Vernon Lee
- 幼小衔接快读识字歌谣.第三册 慢兔