Engineering & Transportation(工程与运输)电子书下载排行
- Electric Machines: Steady State, Transients, and Design with MATLAB® (English Edition) Ion Boldea、Lucian Nicolae Tutelea
- Environmental Science: Society, Nature, and Technology (English Edition) Takashiro Akitsu
- Classical Feedback Control with Nonlinear Multi-Loop Systems: With MATLAB® and Simulink®, Third Edition (Automation and Control Engineering) (English Edition) Boris J. Lurie、Paul Enright
- Brief Notes in Advanced DSP: Fourier Analysis with MATLAB (English Edition) Artyom M. Grigoryan、Merughan Grigoryan
- Electromagnetic Waves, Materials, and Computation with MATLAB® (English Edition) Dikshitulu K. Kalluri
- Testing Complex and Embedded Systems (English Edition) Kim H. Pries、Jon M. Quigley
- American Architectural History: A Contemporary Reader (English Edition) Keith L. Eggener、Keith Eggener
- Seismic Design Methodologies for the Next Generation of Codes (English Edition) Peter Fajfar & Helmut Krawinkler、P. Fajfar
- Streamflow Measurement, Third Edition (English Edition) Reginald W. Herschy
- Fundamentals of Electric Machines: A Primer with MATLAB (English Edition) Warsame Hassan Ali、Matthew N. O. Sadiku、Samir Abood
- Transportation Systems Planning: Methods and Applications (New Directions in Civil Engineering) (English Edition) Konstadinos G. Goulias
- CAD and GIS Integration (English Edition) Hassan A. Karimi、Burcu Akinci
- Principles of Polymer Science and Technology in Cosmetics and Personal Care (Cosmetic Science and Technology Book 22) (English Edition) E. Desmond Goddard、James V. Gruber
- The Soul of A New Machine (English Edition) Tracy Kidder
- Particles in Water: Properties and Processes (English Edition) John Gregory
- Digital Microfluidic Biochips: Synthesis, Testing, and Reconfiguration Techniques (English Edition) Krishnendu Chakrabarty、Fei Su
- The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry, and Invention (English Edition) William Rosen
- Cellular Manufacturing: One-Piece Flow for Workteams (The Shopfloor Series) (English Edition) ProductivityDevelopmentTeam
- Ceramic Processing (English Edition) Mohamed N. Rahaman
- Noise Control in Industry (English Edition) Sound Research Laboratories
- Masonry Wall Construction (English Edition) F.M. Khalaf
- Adaptive Control Systems: Techniques and Applications (Electrical and Computer Engineering Book 39) (English Edition) Chalam
- Old Waterfront Walls: Management, maintenance and rehabilitation (English Edition) P.F.B. TATHAM
- Silicon Heterostructure Devices (English Edition) John D. Cressler
- Solvent Extraction and Liquid Membranes: Fundamentals and Applications in New Materials (ION EXCHANGE AND SOLVENT EXTRACTION) (English Edition) Manuel Aguilar、Jose Luis Cortina
- Polymer Modifiers and Additives (Plastics Engineering Book 62) (English Edition) Richard F. Grossman、John T. Lutz Jr.
- EG Property Handbook (English Edition) Geoff Parsons
- Design and Construction of an RFID-enabled Infrastructure: The Next Avatar of the Internet (Industrial and Systems Engineering) (English Edition) Nagabhushana Prabhu
- Semiconductor Materials (English Edition) Lev I. Berger
- Handbook of Layered Materials (English Edition) Prabir K. Dutta
- Protective Relay Principles (English Edition) Anthony M. Sleva
- Hydrometry: IHE Delft Lecture Note Series (Unesco-ihe Lecture Note Series) (English Edition) W. Boiten
- The Mechatronics Handbook - 2 Volume Set (The Mechatronics Handbook, Second Edition) (English Edition) Robert H. Bishop
- Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes for Advanced Lithium Ion Batteries (English Edition) Stelbin Peter Figerez、Raghavan Prasanth
- GRC (Glass Fibre Reinforced Cement): Production and uses (English Edition) Graham True
- Introduction to Polymer Science and Chemistry: A Problem-Solving Approach (English Edition) Manas Chanda
- The Impact of Technology on Sport II (English Edition) Franz Konstantin Fuss、Aleksandar Subic、Sadayuki Ujihashi
- (Re)constructing Gender in a New Voice: A Special Issue of the Journal of Language, Identity, and Education (English Edition) Juliet Langman
- Linear Water Waves: A Mathematical Approach (English Edition) N. Kuznetsov、V. Maz'ya、B. Vainberg
- Wireless Sensors and Instruments: Networks, Design, and Applications (English Edition) Halit Eren
- Logo Recognition: Theory and Practice (English Edition) Jingying Chen、Lizhe Wang、Dan Chen
- MEMS and Nanotechnology-Based Sensors and Devices for Communications, Medical and Aerospace Applications (English Edition) A.R. Jha Ph.D.
- Stability Design of Steel Frames (English Edition) Wai-Kai Chen
- Microelectrofluidic Systems: Modeling and Simulation (Nano- and Microscience, Engineering, Technology and Medicine Book 3) (English Edition) Tianhao Zhang、Krishnendu Chakrabarty、Richard B. Fair
- Computer Modelling of Heat and Fluid Flow in Materials Processing (Series in Materials Science and Engineering Book 10) (English Edition) C.P. Hong
- Topics in the Theory of Solid Materials (Series in Materials Science and Engineering) (English Edition) J.M. Vail
- Fiber Optic Reference Guide (English Edition) David Goff
- Video Systems in an IT Environment: The Basics of Professional Networked Media and File-based Workflows (English Edition) Al Kovalick
- Electrotechnical Systems: Simulation with Simulink® and SimPowerSystems™ (English Edition) Viktor Perelmuter
- Streamflow Measurement (English Edition) Reginald W. Herschy
- Turfgrass and Landscape Irrigation Water Quality: Assessment and Management (English Edition) Robert Carrow、Ronny R. Duncan、Michael T. Huck
- Immune Aspects of Biopharmaceuticals and Nanomedicines (Jenny Stanford Series on Nanomedicine Book 3) (English Edition) Raj Bawa、Janos Szebeni、Thomas J Webster、Gerald F. Audette
- Chaos in Automatic Control (Automation and Control Engineering Book 18) (English Edition) Wilfrid Perruquetti、Jean-Pierre Barbot
- Electrical Solitons: Theory, Design, and Applications (Devices, Circuits, and Systems) (English Edition) David S. Ricketts、Donhee Ham
- Privileged Goods: Commoditization and Its Impact on Environment and Society (Ecological Economics) (English Edition) Jack P. Manno
- Modeling and Simulation Based Life-Cycle Engineering (Structural Engineering: Mechanics and Design) (English Edition) Ken Chong、Harold S. Morgan、Sunil Saigal、Stefan Thynell
- Chemical Safety in the Laboratory (English Edition) Stephen K. Hall
- Sustainable and Safe Dams Around the World / Un monde de barrages durables et sécuritaires: Proceedings of the ICOLD 2019 Symposium, (ICOLD 2019), June ... 9-14, 2019, Ottawa, Canada (English Edition) Jean-Pierre Tournier、Tony Bennett、Johanne Bibeau
- Slope Stability Analysis and Stabilization: New Methods and Insight (English Edition) C.K. Lau
- Risk Assessment and Indoor Air Quality (Indoor Air Research) (English Edition) Elizabeth L. Anderson
- Rotary-Wing Aerodynamics (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering) (English Edition) W. Z. Stepniewski
- Computational Hydraulics and Hydrology: An Illustrated Dictionary (English Edition) Nicolas G. Adrien
- Office Building Safety and Health (English Edition) Charles D. Reese
- Actions of Architecture: Architects and Creative Users (English Edition) Jonathan Hill
- Disposal and Recycling of Organic and Polymeric Construction Materials: Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop (Rilem Proceedings, 27) (English Edition) Y.Ohama、Y. Ohama
- 507 Mechanical Movements: Mechanisms and Devices (Dover Science Books) (English Edition) Henry T. Brown
- Robot Development Using Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio (English Edition) Shih-Chung Kang、Wei-Tze Chang、Kai-Yuan Gu、Hung-Lin Chi
- Handbook of Hazard Communication and OSHA Requirements (English Edition) George G. Lowry
- Understanding Structures: An Introduction to Structural Analysis (English Edition) Mete A. Sozen、Toshikatsu Ichinose
- Fluid Machinery: Application, Selection, and Design, Second Edition (English Edition) Terry Wright、Philip Gerhart
- Safety Engineering: Principles and Practices (English Edition) Frank R. Spellman、Nancy E. Whiting
- Digital Spectral Analysis MATLAB® Software User Guide (Dover Books on Electrical Engineering) (English Edition) S. Lawrence Marple, Jr.
- Earthquake Engineering Handbook (New Directions in Civil Engineering 24) (English Edition) Charles Scawthorn、Wai-Fah Chen
- Millimeter-Wave Circuits for 5G and Radar (The Cambridge RF and Microwave Engineering Series) (English Edition) Gernot Hueber、Ali M. Niknejad
- Architecting Fail‐Safe Supply Networks (English Edition) Shabnam Rezapour、Amirhossein Khosrojerdi、Golnoosh Rasoulifar、Janet K. Allen、Jitesh H. Panchal、Ramakrishnan S. Srinivasan、Jeffrey D. Tew、Farrokh Mistree
- Handbook of Zeolite Science and Technology (English Edition) SCOTT.M. AUERBACH、KATHLEEN.A. CARRADO、PRABIR.K. DUTTA
- Murray Walker's Formula One Heroes (English Edition) Simon Taylor、Murray Walker
- Low Frequency Electromagnetic Design (Electrical and Computer Engineering Book 28) (English Edition) Perry
- Integrated Frequency Synthesizers for Wireless Systems (English Edition) Andrea Leonardo Lacaita、Salvatore Levantino、Carlo Samori
- Signals and Systems: A Primer with MATLAB® (English Edition) Matthew N. O. Sadiku、Warsame Hassan Ali
- Groundwater and Surface Water Pollution (English Edition) David H.F. Liu、Bela G. Liptak
- Operations Research: Operations Research: Theory and Practice (English Edition) N.V.S Raju
- Mechanics of Project Management: Nuts and Bolts of Project Execution (Analytics and Control) (English Edition) Adedeji B. Badiru、S. Abidemi Badiru、I. Adetokunboh Badiru
- LabVIEW: Advanced Programming Techniques (English Edition) Rick Bitter、Taqi Mohiuddin、Matt Nawrocki
- Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software (English Edition) Steven Johnson
- How to Outthink, Outmaneuver, and Outperform Your Competitors: Lessons from the Masters of Strategy (English Edition) Norton Paley
- Passive House in Different Climates: The Path to Net Zero (English Edition) Mary James、James Bill
- Mechatronics: Electronics in Products and Processes (English Edition) DavidAllan Bradley
- Intelligent Networks: Telecommunications Solutions for the 1990s (English Edition) Dimitris N. Chorafas
- Navigation Control Manual (English Edition) A G Bole、C E Nicholls、W O Dineley
- Decision-Making in Environmental Health: From Evidence to Action (World Health Organization) (English Edition) D. Briggs、C. Corvalan、G. Zielhuis
- Radiation Effects in Semiconductors (Devices, Circuits, and Systems) (English Edition) Krzysztof Iniewski
- Chromium(VI) Handbook (English Edition) Jacques Guertin、James A. Jacobs、Cynthia P. Avakian
- Management of Off-Highway Plant and Equipment (English Edition) D.J. Edwards、F.C. Harris、Ron McCaffer
- Networks and Devices Using Planar Transmissions Lines (English Edition) Franco Di Paolo
- Subdividing the Land: Metes and Bounds and Rectangular Survey Systems (English Edition) Gaby M. Neunzert
- Guidelines for Process Hazards Analysis (PHA, HAZOP), Hazards Identification, and Risk Analysis (English Edition) Nigel Hyatt
- Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light - Second Edition (English Edition) John D. Joannopoulos、Robert D. Meade、Steven G. Johnson、Joshua N.
- Dynamic Programming (Dover Books on Computer Science) (English Edition) Richard Bellman
- The Channel Tunnel Story (English Edition) Ben Roskrow、G Anderson、G. Anderson、B. Roskrow