- 5G Radio Access Networks: Centralized RAN, Cloud-RAN and Virtualization of Small Cells (English Edition) Hrishikesh Venkataraman、Ramona Trestian
- Research and Outlook on Global Energy Interconnection (Global Energy Interconnection Research Report Series) Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization
- 东南亚能源互联网研究与展望(英文版):ResearchandOutlookonSoutheastAsianEnergyInterconnection Organization 全球能源互联网发展合作组织,著(英文):Global,Energy,Interconnection,Development,and,Cooperation
- 东北亚能源互联网研究与展望(英文版):ResearchandOutlookonNortheastAsianEnergyInterconnection Organization 全球能源互联网发展合作组织,Global,Energy,Interconnection,Development,and,Cooperation
- WPS Office办公软件应用标准教程(实战微课版) 黄春风、赵盼盼
- 智能管理会计:从Excel到Power BI的业务与财务分析(全彩) 张震
- Excellence through Mind-Brain Development: The Secrets of World-Class Performers (English Edition) Harald S. Harung、Frederick Travis
- How to Play Blues/Rock Guitar Solos: Audio Access Included! (English Edition) David Grissom
- Excel表格制作与数据处理从入门到精通 赛贝尔资讯
- The 12 Pillars of Project Excellence: A Lean Approach to Improving Project Results (English Edition) Adil F. Dalal
- PPT制作应用大全 (Office办公无忧) 恒盛杰资讯
- Improving Opportunities to Engage in Learning: A Study of the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Routledge Research in Higher Education) (English Edition) Nalita James、Hugh Busher
- Walling Out the Insiders: Controlling Access to Improve Organizational Security (English Edition) Michael Erbschloe
- Professional Collaboration with Purpose: Teacher Learning Towards Equitable and Excellent Schools (Routledge Leading Change Series) (English Edition) Amanda Datnow、Vicki Park
- First Americans: A History of Native Peoples, Combined Volume: A History of Native Peoples, PowerPoints (English Edition) Kenneth Townsend
- 特高压输电技术发展与展望(英文版)(The Development and Outlook of UHV Transmission Technology) 全球能源互联网发展合作组织
- Environmental Management Tools on the Internet: Accessing the World of Environmental Information (St Lucie) (English Edition) Michael Katz
- Excel文秘与行政管理必备的200个文件 (给力Office系列丛书) 启赋书坊
- Excel 2010操作与技巧 (Excel疑难千寻千解丛书) 王建发
- The Information Processing Theory of Organization: Managing Technology Accession in Complex Systems (Routledge Revivals) (English Edition) John L. Kmetz
- Teacher Evaluation as Cultural Practice: A Framework for Equity and Excellence (Language, Culture, and Teaching Series) (English Edition) María del Carmen Salazar、Jessica Lerner
- Word+Excel+PPT+Photoshop+思维导图:高效商务办公一本通 博蓄诚品
- 计算机办公应用Win 7+Office 2010 徐阳、张天珍、杜文静
- Access to Power: Cross-National Studies of Women and Elites (Routledge Library Editions: Women and Politics Book 1) (English Edition) Cynthia Fuchs Epstein、Rose Laub Coser
- 速查速用:Excel公式与函数应用技巧 文杰书院
- 100万精英都在学的Excel技巧(新手入门图书,早学会早升职加薪) 吴丽梅
- Excel VBA基础入门(第2版) 赵志东
- Excel 2007 VBA参考大全(修订版)(异步图书) John Green、Stephen Bullen、Rob Bovey、Michael Alexander、Excel Home
- Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming: Design and implement computer vision applications with Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and Python 3, 2nd Edition (English Edition) Ashwin Pajankar
- 图表表现力:Excel图表技法(第2版) 刘恒
- Excel函数与公式速查手册(第2版) 赛贝尔资讯
- My Revision Notes: Edexcel International GCSE (9–1) Chemistry (MRN) (English Edition) Neil Dixon
- Access to History: The Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries Second Edition (English Edition) Alan Farmer
- Access to History: The American Revolution and the Birth of the USA 1740–1801, Third Edition (English Edition) Vivienne Sanders
- Hodder GCSE (9–1) History for Pearson Edexcel Foundation Edition: Medicine through time c.1250–present (Hodder Gcse 9-1 History Edexce) (English Edition) Sam Slater
- Pearson Edexcel A-level Psychology Student Guide 3: Psychological skills (English Edition) Christine Brain
- Access to History: The Crusades 1071–1204 (English Edition) Mary Dicken
- Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology (Salters-Nuffield) Student Guide: Practical Biology (English Edition) Dan Foulder
- Hodder GCSE (9–1) History for Pearson Edexcel Foundation Edition: Superpower Relations and the Cold War 1941–91 (Hodder Gcse 9-1 History/Foundt) (English Edition) Neil Owen、John Wright、Steve Waugh
- Edexcel A Level Biology Student Book 1 (English Edition) Ed Lees、Martin Rowland、C. J. Clegg
- My Revision Notes: Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology (English Edition) Ian Fawcett、Andy Knight、Jacqui Howells、David Hills-Taylor
- Access to History: The Later Stuarts and the Glorious Revolution 1660-1702 (English Edition) Oliver Bullock
- Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry Student Book Second Edition (Edexcel Igcse) (English Edition) Graham Hill、Robert Wensley
- Beautiful Embroidered Accessories: Easy Ways to Personalize Hats, Bandanas, Totes, Denim and Your Favorite Clothing (English Edition) Lexi Mire Brantman
- Knit Happy with Self-Striping Yarn: Bright, Fun and Colorful Sweaters and Accessories Made Easy (English Edition) Stephanie Lotven
- 随身查-Excel办公高手应用技巧 前沿文化
- Word/Excel/PPT三合一高效办公从入门到精通(超值升级版) 买桂英
- 随身查-Word办公应用技巧 前沿文化
- Leading for All: How to Create Truly Inclusive and Excellent Schools (English Edition) Jennifer Spencer-Iiams、Josh Flosi
- The MTSS Start-Up Guide: Ensuring Equity, Access, and Inclusivity for ALL Students (English Edition) Jessica Hannigan、John E. Hannigan
- Splash Retrospective: 20 Years of Contemporary Watercolor Excellence (Splash: The Best of Watercolor) (English Edition) Rachel Rubin Wolf
- Systems for Manufacturing Excellence: Generating efficient and reliable manufacturing operations (English Edition) Nick Rich、Mohamed Afy Shararah
- Unlocking English Learners' Potential: Strategies for Making Content Accessible (English Edition) Diane Staehr Fenner、Sydney Cail Snyder
- Edexcel A level Mathematics Pure Mathematics Year 2 Textbook + e-book (A level Maths and Further Maths 2017) (English Edition) Greg Attwood、Jack Barraclough、Ian Bettison、David Goldberg、Alistair Macpherson、Mr Author,
- Edexcel AS and A level Mathematics Pure Mathematics Year 1/AS (A level Maths and Further Maths 2017) (English Edition) Greg Attwood、Jack Barraclough、Ian Bettison、Alistair Macpherson、Bronwen Moran、Ms Author,
- Edexcel AS/A level Business 5th edition Student Book (English Edition) Dave Hall、Carlo Raffo、Dave Gray、Alain Anderton、Rob Jones
- Edexcel AS and A level Mathematics Statistics & Mechanics Year 1/AS Textbook + e-book (A level Maths and Further Maths 2017) (English Edition) Greg Attwood、Ian Bettison、Alan Clegg、Jane Dyer、Susan Hooker、Mr Author,
- Excel Basics to Blackbelt: An Accelerated Guide to Decision Support Designs (English Edition) Elliot Bendoly
- Driving the Enterprise to Sustainable Excellence: A Shingo Process Overview (English Edition) Gerhard Plenert
- Excel Custom Functions: Straight to the Point (English Edition) Suat M Ozgur
- Cleaning Excel Data With Power Query Straight to the Point (English Edition) Oz du Soleil
- Excel Data Cleansing Straight to the Point (English Edition) Oz du Soleil
- Excel Dynamic Arrays Straight to the Point 2nd Edition (English Edition) Bill Jelen
- Introduction To Financial Modelling: How to Excel at Being a Lazy (That Means Efficient!) Modeller (English Edition) Liam Bastick
- Business and Professional Communication: KEYS for Workplace Excellence (English Edition) Kelly M. Quintanilla、Shawn T. Wahl
- Python Automation Cookbook: 75 Python automation ideas for web scraping, data wrangling, and processing Excel, reports, emails, and more, 2nd Edition (English Edition) Jaime Buelta
- Reassembling Scholarly Communications: Histories, Infrastructures, and Global Politics of Open Access (English Edition) Martin Paul Eve、Jonathan Gray
- Excel函数与公式应用技巧 (高效随身查) 赛贝尔资讯
- Excel在会计和财管中的应用(微课版 第4版)(微课视频,手把手教你如何做报表) 崔婕
- The The Outlook for Earthlings (English Edition) Joan Frank
- The Art of Social Excellence: How to Make Your Personal and Business Relationships Thrive (English Edition) Henrik Fexeus
- 年轻律师执业入门:巧用Word、Excel轻松处理法律事务 陈晓峰
- The Weaving Explorer: Ingenious Techniques, Accessible Tools & Creative Projects with Yarn, Paper, Wire & More (English Edition) Deborah Jarchow、Gwen W. Steege
- Costume Craftwork on a Budget: Clothing, 3-D Makeup, Wigs, Millinery & Accessories (English Edition) Tan Huaixiang
- Access 2010数据库应用(第3版) 杨章静、业巧林、黄璞、倪震、刘海松
- Peak Performance: How to Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Operations Management (Sustainable Improvements in Environment Safety and Health) (English Edition) Patricia Melton Allen、Frances E. Alston、Emily Millikin DeKerchove
- Optical Code Division Multiple Access: Fundamentals and Applications (Optical Science and Engineering) (English Edition) Paul R. Prucnal
- Edexcel Maths A level Year 1 (And AS) All-in-One Complete Revision and Practice: For the 2020 Autumn & 2021 Summer Exams (Collins A level Revision) (English Edition) Collins A-level
- Operations Excellence Management System (OEMS): Getting It Right the First Time (English Edition) Chitram Lutchman、Kevan Lutchman、Ramakrishna Akula、Charles Lyons、Waddah S. Ghanem Al Hashmi
- Daft Punk - Random Access Memories Songbook (Piano, Vocal, Guitar) (English Edition) Daft Punk
- Learn Microsoft Office 2019: A comprehensive guide to getting started with Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, and Outlook (English Edition) Linda Foulkes
- Learn Power Query: A low-code approach to connect and transform data from multiple sources for Power BI and Excel (English Edition) Linda Foulkes、Warren Sparrow
- Microsoft Office 365 Administration Cookbook: Enhance your Office 365 productivity with recipes to manage and optimize its apps and services (English Edition) Nate Chamberlain
- Hands-On Vision and Behavior for Self-Driving Cars: Explore visual perception, lane detection, and object classification with Python 3 and OpenCV 4 (English Edition) Luca Venturi、Krishtof Korda
- Hands-On Microsoft Teams: A practical guide to enhancing enterprise collaboration with Microsoft Teams and Office 365 (English Edition) João Ferreira
- Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure: Empower users by managing and protecting identities and data, 2nd Edition (English Edition) Jochen Nickel
- Excel教科书(24小时内成为Excel操作高手,学会用Excel“偷懒”。) 吉田拳、陈怡萍
- Understanding Artificial Intelligence (Science made accessible) (English Edition) Editors of Scientific American、Rodney Brooks
- 不加班的秘密:高效能Excel 财务达人养成记 彭怀文
- HR精英都是Excel控:人力资源量化管理和数据分析(职场进阶版) 孙晨
- Excel与数据分析(第3版)(附光盘) 宇传华
- 炫舞PowerPoint:PPT动画创意设计(全彩) 许江林
- Excel 2010 VBA编程与实践 (Excel疑难千寻千解丛书) 罗刚君
- 来吧!带你玩转Excel VBA 罗刚君、杨嘉恺
- Anthropology of Tobacco [Open Access]: Ethnographic Adventures in Non-Human Worlds (English Edition) Andrew Russell
- Unlocking the Past: The Impact of Access to Barnardo's Childcare Records (Routledge Revivals) (English Edition) Gill Pugh
- Fostering Collaboration Between General and Special Education: Lessons From the "beacons of Excellence Projects" A Special Issue of the journal of Educational ... Psychological Consultation (English Edition) Margaret J. McLaughlin
- 新手学电脑从入门到精通(Windows10+Office2016) 文杰书院
- 统计学基础及应用(Excel 2010版)(统计学基础及其Excel应用——以统计工作流程为主线) 洑建红、姬忠莉
- Hands-On Financial Modeling with Microsoft Excel 2019: Build practical models for forecasting, valuation, trading, and growth analysis using Excel 2019 (English Edition) Shmuel Oluwa
- Excel for Surveyors (English Edition) Philip Bowcock、Natalie Bayfield
- Excel 2019从新手到高手(从零开始学Excel,一册在手办公无忧) 龙马高新教育
- 全国计算机等级考试二级MS Office高级应用一本通关 全国计算机等级考试命题研究中心、未来教育教学与研究中心
- Biodiversity, Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property: Developments in Access and Benefit Sharing (Routledge Research in Intellectual Property) (English Edition) Kamalesh Adhikari、Charles Lawson
- 玩转PowerPoint:PPT图形创意设计(全彩) 曾潇霖
- The Politics of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Access to Medicines: World Pharmacy and India (English Edition) Hans Löfgren
- Locally Presentable and Accessible Categories (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series Book 189) (English Edition) J. Adamek、J. Rosicky
- Understanding Artificial Intelligence (Science made accessible) (English Edition) Editors of Scientific American、Rodney Brooks
- Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy (English Edition) Catherine Y. Chang、Casey A. Barrio Minton、Andrea L. Dixon、Jane E. Myers、Thomas J. Sweeney
- The Economics of Access Versus Ownership: The Costs and Benefits of Access to Scholarly Articles via Interlibrary Loan and Journal Subscriptio (English Edition) Bruce Kingma
- e Book Instant Access for Chemistry: The Central Science, Global Edition (English Edition) H. Eugene LeMay、Bruce E. Bursten、Catherine Murphy、Patrick Woodward、Theodore E. Brown、Matthew E. Stoltzfus
- Accession and Migration: Changing Policy, Society, and Culture in an Enlarged Europe (Studies in Migration and Diaspora) (English Edition) Yordanka Valkanova、John Eade
- 新手学电脑(Windows 10+Office 2016)从入门到精通 云课版 神龙工作室、殷慧文
- Excel在会计和财管中的应用(微课版 第4版)(微课视频,手把手教你如何做报表) 崔婕
- Skills for Success with PowerPoint 2013 Comprehensive (2-downloads) (Skills for Success, Office 2013) (English Edition) Stephanie Murre-Wolf
- Access Control, Security, and Trust: A Logical Approach (Chapman & Hall/CRC Cryptography and Network Security Series) (English Edition) Shiu-Kai Chin、Susan Beth Older
- 大道至简:Excel这么学最简单 林屹
- Access to Power: Cross-National Studies of Women and Elites (Routledge Library Editions: Women and Politics Book 1) (English Edition) Cynthia Fuchs Epstein、Rose Laub Coser
- Global Governance of Genetic Resources: Access and Benefit Sharing after the Nagoya Protocol (Routledge Research in Global Environmental Governance) (English Edition) Sebastian Oberthür、G. Kristin Rosendal
- 跟李锐学Excel数据分析 李锐
- 加薪不加班:174个Excel函数案例闯职场(数据分析从入门到实战系列) 曾贤志
- eBook Instant Access for Probability and Statistical Inference, Global Edition (English Edition) Robert V. Hogg、Elliot A. Tanis
- Exploring: Microsoft Access 2013, Introductory (2-downloads) (Exploring for Office 2013) (English Edition) Mary Anne Poatsy、Cynthia Krebs、Eric Cameron、Robert T. Grauer
- GO! with Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Introductory: Pearson New International Edition PDF eBook (English Edition) Shelley Gaskin、Alicia Vargas、Donna Madsen、Toni Marucco
- Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, eBook, Global Edition: Martini Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology Plus MasteringA&P with eText -- Access Card Package 11 (English Edition) Frederic H Martini、Judi L. Nath、Edwin F. Bartholomew
- 大学计算机应用基础教程(Windows 7+MS Office 2010)(符合全国计算机等级考试2级的大学计算机基础教程) 刘艳慧
- Reaching Excellence in Healthcare Management (ACHE Management) (English Edition) John Griffith
- Understanding Mass Higher Education: Comparative Perspectives on Access (English Edition) David Palfreyman、Ted Tapper
- Word 2010中文版完全自学手册 龙马工作室
- Knowledge Management for Project Excellence (English Edition) Lukasz Rosinski
- DNP Capstone Projects: Exemplars of Excellence in Practice (English Edition) Dr Barbara A. Anderson PH CNM FACNM FAAN、FAAN Anderson, Barbara A., CNM, DrPH, MPH, MS, RN. FACNM、FAANP Knestrick, Joyce M., PhD, CRNP、CNM Barroso, Rebeca, DNP
- Access to Higher Education: Theoretical perspectives and contemporary challenges (Research into Higher Education) (English Edition) Anna Mountford-Zimdars、Neil Harrison
- Excel 2013 VBA编程与实践 (疑难千寻千解丛书) 黄朝阳
- Goodbye To Excellence: A Critical Look At Minimum Competency Testing (English Edition) Mitchell Lazarus
- eBook Instant Access - for Engineering Vibrations, International Edition (English Edition) Daniel J. Inman
- 全国计算机等级考试一本通 二级Access 人民邮电出版社有限公司; 第1版
- EXCEL人力资源管理(采用“步骤详解+图解标注”的方式,具有讲解详细、查询容易、即学即用等特点) 杨阳
- What Every Engineer Should Know About Excel (English Edition) J. P. Holman、Blake K. Holman
- Equal Access for Students with Disabilities: The Guide for Health Science and Professional Education, Second Edition (English Edition) PhD Meeks, Lisa M., Dr.、CRC Jain, Neera R., MS、JD Laird, Elisa
- InDesign/Office印前排版综合教程 韩绍强
- Breaking Through the Access Barrier: How Academic Capital Formation Can Improve Policy in Higher Education (English Edition) Edward P. St. John、Shouping Hu、Amy S. Fisher
- International Perspectives on Consumers' Access to Justice (English Edition) Charles E. F. Rickett、Thomas G. W. Telfer
- Discover Excellence: An Overview of the Shingo Model and Its Guiding Principles (The Shingo Model Series Book 1) (English Edition) Gerhard J. Plenert
- Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security (English Edition) Robert H. Sloan、Richard Warner
- 新手学Word 2016 龙马高新教育
- 让工作化繁为简 用Python实现办公自动化(用python让office飞起来,让excel化繁为简,减少重复工作,实现办公自动化) 李杰臣
- Disability and Digital Television Cultures: Representation, Access, and Reception (Routledge Research in Disability and Media Studies) (English Edition) Katie Ellis
- Insourcing Innovation: How to Achieve Competitive Excellence Using TRIZ (English Edition) David Silverstein、Neil DeCarlo、Michael Slocum
- Excelling in Sport Psychology: Planning, Preparing, and Executing Applied Work (English Edition) Alison Pope-Rhodius、Sara Robinson、Sean Fitzpatrick
- Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers Using Excel, VBA, and MATLAB (English Edition) Victor J. Law
- Word排版技术大全 宋翔
- 秋叶Office:Word Excel PPT 办公应用从新手到高手 秋叶、神龙
- Mastering Financial Modelling in Microsoft Excel 3rd edn ePub eBook: A Practitioner's Guide to Applied Corporate Finance (The Mastering Series) (English Edition) Alastair Day
- Universal and Accessible Design for Products, Services, and Processes (English Edition) Robert F. Erlandson
- Access Scaffolding (Chartered Institute of Building) (English Edition) Stewart Champion
- 数据库技术与应用实践教程:Access 2013(第二版) 李雨、孙未
- Excel办公应用标准教程——公式、函数、图表与数据分析(实战微课版) 聂静
- Excel 2016数据处理与分析从新手到高手 点金文化
- 对比Excel,轻松学习Python报表自动化 张俊红
- 这样用Excel:轻松制作专业的数据图表 张二峰
- Excel数据分析与可视化 柳扬、张良均
- Word 2010实战技巧精粹 ExcelHome、编著
- Assessing Common Mental Health and Addiction Issues With Free-Access Instruments (English Edition) Katie M. Sandberg、Taryn E. Richards、Bradley T. Erford
- eBook Instant Access for Signals, Systems, & Transforms, Global Edition (English Edition) Charles Phillips、John Parr、Eve Riskin
- Rare Earth Elements in Ultramafic and Mafic Rocks and their Minerals: Minor and Accessory Minerals (English Edition) Felix P. Lesnov
- 超简单:用Python让Excel飞起来(零基础学python,用python实现办公自动化,让excel化繁为简,减少重复工作) 王秀文、郭明鑫、王宇韬
- 电脑办公Windows 8+Office 2013从入门到精通 (学电脑从入门到精通) 恒盛杰资讯
- Performance Evaluation of Industrial Systems: Discrete Event Simulation in Using Excel/VBA, Second Edition (English Edition) David Elizandro、Hamdy Taha
- Understanding and Promoting Access for People with Learning Difficulties: Seeing the Opportunities and Challenges of Risk (English Edition) Jane Seale、Melanie Nind
- Medical Instrumentation: Accessibility and Usability Considerations (Studies in Advanced Mathematics) (English Edition) Jack M. Winters、Molly Follette Story
- 和秋叶一起学Word(第3版)【秋叶商学院创始人、秋叶PPT创始人、网易云课堂十佳讲师秋叶力作更新版!word文档实战技巧精粹! 毕业论文 标书报告总结方案 现代商务办公从新手到高手教程!】 秋叶
- Access To Academics for All Students: Critical Approaches To Inclusive Curriculum, Instruction, and Policy (English Edition) Paula Kluth、Diana M. Straut、Douglas P. Biklen
- PPT制作应用大全 (Office办公无忧) 恒盛杰资讯
- 用地图说话:在商业分析与演示中运用Excel数据地图 刘万祥
- Discourse, Identity and the Question of Turkish Accession to the EU: Through the Looking Glass (English Edition) Catherine MacMillan
- WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism: Case Studies and Lessons from the WTO at Twenty (English Edition) Uri Dadush、Chiedu Osakwe
- The Emerging Economic Geography in EU Accession Countries (Routledge Revivals) (English Edition) Peter Nijkamp、Iulia Traistaru
- Exploring: Microsoft Office 2013, Volume 1 (2-downloads) (Exploring for Office 2013) (English Edition) Mary Anne Poatsy、Keith Mulbery、Cynthia Krebs
- Excel2019高级进阶:SQL应用 肖鹏
- Access Services in Libraries: New Solutions for Collection Management (Routledge Library Editions: Library and Information Science Book 3) (English Edition) Gregg Sapp
- Microsoft Office 365 Administration Cookbook: Enhance your Office 365 productivity with recipes to manage and optimize its apps and services (English Edition) Nate Chamberlain
- UN Millennium Development Library: Prescription for Healthy Development: Increasing Access to Medicines (UN Millennium Project) (English Edition) UN Millennium Project
- eBook Instant Access for Fundamentals of Communication Systems, Global Edition (English Edition) John G. Proakis、Masoud Salehi
- Virtue in Media: The Moral Psychology of Excellence in News and Public Relations (English Edition) Patrick Lee Plaisance
- Splash Retrospective: 20 Years of Contemporary Watercolor Excellence (Splash: The Best of Watercolor) (English Edition) Rachel Rubin Wolf
- International Copyright and Access to Knowledge (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law Book 31) (English Edition) Sara Bannerman
- 统计学案例与实训教程(从EXCEL和SPSS两个视角讲解对数据的收集、整理、分析) 梁超
- 新编Excel 2013从入门到精通 (易学易用系列) 龙马高新教育
- Prestige in Academic Life: Excellence and exclusion (English Edition) Paul Blackmore
- Environmental Management Tools on the Internet: Accessing the World of Environmental Information (St Lucie) (English Edition) Michael Katz
- Word/Excel/PPT实战技术大全(Word/Excel/PPT实战技术大全) 宋翔
- Venous Access Made Easy (English Edition) James Michael Forsyth、Ahmed Shalan、Andrew Roger Thompson
- Excellent Women (Virago Modern Classics Book 311) (English Edition) Barbara Pym、Alexander McCall Smith
- 外行学PowerPoint 2003从入门到精通 (外行学电脑系列) 神龙工作室
- Designing Accessibility Instruments: Lessons on Their Usability for Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning Practices (English Edition) Cecilia Silva、Nuno Pinto、Luca Bertolini
- BAP Using Microsoft® Office 2010商务专业应用能力国际认证Essential Level Office大师通关宝典 JYiC认证研究团队
- 全国职称计算机考试讲义 真题 预测三合一 Word 2003中文字处理 2015年-2016年考试专用 全国专业技术人员计算机应用能力考试命题研究中心
- Excel 在财务中的应用 (微课版)(配有教学视频) ExcelHome
- Office办公软件应用标准教程(2015-2018版) (清华电脑学堂) 王菁、谢华
- Visio 2013图形设计从新手到高手 郭新房、孙岩、等
- Excel表格制作与数据处理从入门到精通 赛贝尔资讯
- How to Play Blues/Rock Guitar Solos: Audio Access Included! (English Edition) David Grissom
- Excellence through Mind-Brain Development: The Secrets of World-Class Performers (English Edition) Harald S. Harung、Frederick Travis
- 智能管理会计:从Excel到Power BI的业务与财务分析(全彩) 张震
- WPS Office办公软件应用标准教程(实战微课版) 黄春风、赵盼盼
- 东北亚能源互联网研究与展望(英文版):ResearchandOutlookonNortheastAsianEnergyInterconnection Organization 全球能源互联网发展合作组织,Global,Energy,Interconnection,Development,and,Cooperation
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