和孩子一起大声诵读的故事“凤烈鸟”是针对3~6岁的学前儿童设计的一套汉语分级绘本。通过聆听阅读、图画阅读、故事诵读,让孩子沉浸在诗意的语言、美好的画面中,培养孩子地道的汉语语感、音韵感、节奏感,发展孩子用汉语认知、思考、表达的能力。本册为第3级第8本《自在的本领》,重在让孩子了解“动物的生存技能”,并拓展、讨论“生物的多样性、平凡生活中的精彩与快乐”等话题。Stories to Be Read Aloud with Your Child The Phoenibird Picturebook Series is tailored for preschool children aged 3-6. Through listening to the audio, reading with the pictures, and reading aloud the stories, children may immerse themselves in the poetic language and beautiful scene, so that their sense of the Chinese language, of the rhyme and rhythm, and their abilities in cognition, thinking and expression will be developed. The Power to Be Oneself, the eighth book of Level 3, focuses on teaching words related to the survival skills of animals, and discusses topics such as the diversity of species and the good and happiness in ordinary life.
自在的本领| 凤烈鸟(第3级) EPUB, PDF, MOBI, AZW3, TXT, FB2, DjVu, Kindle电子书免费下载。