连环画《追韩信》改编自中国古典小说《西汉演义》,故事说的是楚汉相争时,韩信投在项羽军中,虽身负才干却不得项羽重用,后经张良鼓动投奔刘邦汉营。由于出身寒微等原因受刘邦轻视,韩信无奈弃官而走。汉相萧何知道韩信的才华过人,闻听韩信出走,单骑苦追,最终打动韩信重返汉营,并在伐楚的战争中立下卓越功勋。The picture-story book “Chasing After Han Xin” is selected from the classical Chinese novel Romance of the Western Han Dynasty. It tells a story during the War between Chu and Han. Han Xin served Xiang Yu in his army. He was an excellent talent but was not properly used by Xiang, so he turned to Liu as encouraged by Zhang Liang. He was despised by Liu for his lowly birth, so he gave up his position to flee again. Xiao He, prime minister of Han, knew that Han Xin was an outstanding talent, rode a horse to chase after him at midnight when he learned the news, and successfully persuaded him to return to Han. Han Xin made great successes in the war against Chu.
追韩信 Chasing After Han Xin (英汉对照连环画) EPUB, PDF, MOBI, AZW3, TXT, FB2, DjVu, Kindle电子书免费下载。