虚构或半虚构的故事和现实部分就像阴和阳——中国古代哲学的两大基本原则。《中国神话故事与三十六计(英文版)》就为大家呈现了这样两种风格的故事——“中国神话”和“三十六计”。这里的“神话故事”描述了人们对自身起源、祖先、历史以及神祗的古老信仰。而“三十六计”则集合了古人在战场上使用的谋略和计策。今天,许多中国人将这些计策运用到政治、商业、体育以及日常生活中去。本书以地道流畅的英语,深入浅出地讲述了在华夏大地上流传甚广的神话故事以及大家耳熟能详的兵法三十六计,配以彩色插画,赏心悦目,图文并茂,是读者学习中国传统文化、讲好中国故事的生动材料。Fictional or semi-fictional stories and practical concepts are like yin and yang, the two fundamental principles of ancient Chinese philosophy. In this book, we present just such yin and yang, namely, “Chinese Mythology” and the "Thirty-Six Stratagems."The mythology here describes ancient beliefs in origins, ancestors, history and deities. On the other hand, the "Thirty-Six Stratagems" were originally a collection of strategies or practical ruses for warfare. But today, many Chinese people apply them to politics, business, sports as well as their daily life.
中国神话故事与三十六计(Chinese Mythology & Thirty-Six Stratagems) (中华优秀传统文化传承系列) EPUB, PDF, MOBI, AZW3, TXT, FB2, DjVu, Kindle电子书免费下载。
张慈贇,国内资深英文媒体人,高级编辑,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。曾就读于美国斯坦福大学,获硕士学位。长期从事英文新闻工作,参与《中国日报》的创办,主持创办《上海日报》《北京周末报》《上海英文星报》,均任第一任总编辑。现为中国翻译协会常务理事。曾在国内外报刊上发表大量新闻报道、特写、评论和专栏文章。Born in Shanghai in 1949, ZHANG Ciyun (Peter) is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Shanghai Daily, a leading regional English-language daily newspaper on the Chinese mainland. He is also a prolific translator and writer.Mr. Zhang graduated from Jilin Normal University in China, majoring in English language, and later from Stanford University in the United States with a master’s degree in journalism. Starting from 1980, he had worked in several news agencies in China and helped bring into existence four English-language newspapers, including China Daily and Shanghai Daily.
★ 用英语解读中国文化,用英语讲好中国故事;
★ 含52幅精美插画,生动活泼,图文并茂。