《我的丈夫》由末代皇帝溥仪的遗孀李淑贤女士忆述、溥仪研究专家王庆祥撰写,图文并茂,配有100多幅反映溥仪家庭生活与工作的照片,真实再现了溥仪先生作为社会主义公民的后半生生涯:其婚恋、家庭生活、日常工作、“文革”中的遭遇,直至最后患肾癌去世的真实情形。This is the story of how a legendary emperor become into an ordinary citizen whose life centered on his family's love and marriage that formed with the nurse Li Shuxian.My husband Puyi, the last emperor of China are the poignant memories of the life and work of Puyi, who happens to be an authoritarian and despotic emperor and to be a worker who sympathized with weakness and lived by his own work. The book aims to make an accurate historical record, showing readers the real last emperor.
我的丈夫溥仪—中国的末代皇帝(英)My husband Puyi: The last emperor of China (English Version) (English Edition) EPUB, PDF, MOBI, AZW3, TXT, FB2, DjVu, Kindle电子书免费下载。