Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (English Edition)

Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (English Edition)

Ram B. Gupta、Jae-Jin Shim

Supercritical fluid extraction is an environmentally safe and cost-effective alternative to traditional organic solvents. Carbon dioxide is widely used as the solvent of choice for applications such as caffeine and nicotine extraction due to its mild critical temperature, nontoxicity, nonflammability, and low cost. Introducing the most complete collection of supercritical CO2 solubility data currently available, Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide features experimental data on more than 780 solutes in consistent units and an easily accessible format. This book reflects the authors’ painstaking efforts to compile solubility data for an extensive variety of compounds including liquids, solids, polymers, foods, drugs, nutraceuticals, pesticides, dyes, and metal complexes. Each of the more than 1200 tables is arranged in alphabetical order by compound, includes a graphical plot of its data, and features the following information:

Compound name, molecular formula, and molecular weight Temperature and pressure given in Kelvin and bar, respectively Name and amount of cosolvent, if applicable Molar or mass solubility, when applicable Mole- or mass-fraction solubility Synonyms for the compound, where available Reference source for the data Density data for CO2 appears in one appendix, while a complete list of solutes by molecular formula appears in the other. Clear, consistent, and carefully organized, Solubility in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide is the most convenient quick-lookup guide for reliable data.

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