Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine (English Edition)

Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine (English Edition)

Manuchair Ebadi

HERBAL MEDICINE FROM A WESTERN POINT OF VIEWHerbal remedies have become a major factor in American health care. Botanicals like Ginseng, Ma Huang, St. John's Wort, and Valerian are now household words throughout the world. Since many of these natural drugs are sold over the counter, often consumers mistakenly assume that they are completely safe. However, serious adverse effects sometimes occur, especially when taken in conjunction with prescription drugs.Conversely, pharmacists, pharmacologists, and physicians are more hesitant to accept the beneficial effects of herbal drugs without seeing scientific evidence. The Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine provides this evidence and addresses other important issues in a clear, easy-to-understand manner. It breaks down herbal medications to their molecular level to show how they bring about both their healing benefits and their side effects.MEDICINAL HERBS ALSO HAVE A USEFULNESS BEYOND WHAT THEIR OVER-THE-COUNTER FORMS PROVIDE. Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine gives you a better understanding of how natural products:Provide a number of extremely useful drugs that are difficult, if not impossible, to produce commercially by synthetic means

Supply basic compounds that may be modified slightly to render them more effective or less toxic

Are useful as prototypes or models for synthetic drugs possessing physiologic activities similar to the original drug

Contain compounds that demonstrate little or no activity themselves but which can be modified by chemical or biological methods to produce potent drugs not easily obtained by other methodsREDUCE UNWANTED SIDE EFFECTS AND ENHANCE THERAPEUTIC EFFICACYWhether they take herbal medicine for religious, philosophical, or economic reasons, Western believers are just discovering what Eastern civilizations have known for centuries. As the use of herbal remedies grows exponentially, so too does the necessity for information on how these herbs actually work. Author Manuchair Ebadi, winner of the 2004 University of North Dakota Foundation Thomas J. Clifford Faculty Achievement Award for Excellence in Research, builds the scientific bridge between Eastern and Western medicine. For a multitude of popularly used herbs it demonstrates the beneficial effects and adverse side effects of herbal drugs, showing their actions and effects on organ, tissue, cellular, and subcellular levels. By understanding and applying the information in this book, you will be able to provide safer and more effective therapeutic care.

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