"Paradise Regained" is a poetic and intriguing tale that follows along in the spirit of Milton's masterpiece "Paradise Lost". The classic work was first published in England in 1671. As a companion to the epic poem Paradise Lost, John Milton's Paradise Regained describes the temptation of Christ. Following the fall of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden in Milton's "Paradise Lost", Milton turns his attention to the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness by Satan in "Paradise Regained". In this work, Satan tests Jesus in a similar way to Eve in the Garden of Eden. However, Jesus is not seduced by the promises of Satan and passes his test. When God sends Jesus, the promised savior, to earth, Satan prepares himself for battle. As an adult, Jesus goes into the wilderness to gain strength and courage. He fasts for 40 days and nights, after which Satan tempts him with food, power, and riches. But Jesus refuses all these things, and Satan is defeated by the glory of God.
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