Modern Methods in Complex Analysis (AM-137), Volume 137: The Princeton Conference in Honor of Gunning and Kohn. (AM-137) (Annals of Mathematics Studies) (English Edition)

Modern Methods in Complex Analysis (AM-137), Volume 137: The Princeton Conference in Honor of Gunning and Kohn. (AM-137) (Annals of Mathematics Studies) (English Edition)

Thomas Bloom、David W. Catlin、John P. D'Angelo、Yum-Tong Siu

The fifteen articles composing this volume focus on recent developments in complex analysis. Written by well-known researchers in complex analysis and related fields, they cover a wide spectrum of research using the methods of partial differential equations as well as differential and algebraic geometry. The topics include invariants of manifolds, the complex Neumann problem, complex dynamics, Ricci flows, the Abel-Radon transforms, the action of the Ricci curvature operator, locally symmetric manifolds, the maximum principle, very ampleness criterion, integrability of elliptic systems, and contact geometry. Among the contributions are survey articles, which are especially suitable for readers looking for a comprehensive, well-presented introduction to the most recent important developments in the field. The contributors are R. Bott, M. Christ, J. P. D'Angelo, P. Eyssidieux, C. Fefferman, J. E. Fornaess, H. Grauert, R. S. Hamilton, G. M. Henkin, N. Mok, A. M. Nadel, L. Nirenberg, N. Sibony, Y.-T. Siu, F. Treves, and S. M. Webster.

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