Keys to Good Cooking: A Guide to Making the Best of Foods and Recipes (English Edition)

Keys to Good Cooking: A Guide to Making the Best of Foods and Recipes (English Edition)

Harold Mcgee

There’s no shortage of recipes available today and Keys to Good Cooking will help you make the most of them by telling you what works, and why. Written by award-winner Harold McGee, this book acts as a companion to your recipe books, providing answers to all your kitchen questions – why should I fry-off beef before making a casserole? How do I prevent my sauce from separating? How can I be sure my eggs are fresh? Easy-to-use and authoritative, Keys to Good Cooking is a guide to the techniques, ingredients and gadgets with which you turn recipes into delicious meals. Praise for Harold McGee On Food and Cooking : “One of the greatest cookery books ever written.” Heston Blumenthal “A goldmine of information about every ingredient and cooking process, answering all the questions you will ever have about food. Without a single ‘recipe’ in it, I think it’s one of the most important food books ever written.” Jamie Oliver “One of the most important books ever written about food, and one of the most enjoyable... McGee has become a godfather figure for all right-thinking chefs and food-writers” Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

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