Introduction to MATLAB PDF eBook, Global Edition (English Edition)

Introduction to MATLAB PDF eBook, Global Edition (English Edition)

Delores M Etter

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Introduction to MATLAB is intended for use in first-year or introductory Engineering courses. It also serves as an essential MATLAB introduction for engineers. ¿ Best-selling author Delores Etter provides an up-to-date introduction to MATLAB. Using a consistent five-step problem-solving methodology, Etter describes the computational and visualization capabilities of MATLAB and illustrates the problem solving process through a variety of engineering examples and applications. ¿ Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. It will help: ¿ Customize your Course with ESource: Instructors can adopt this title as is, or use the ESource website to select the chapters they need, in the sequence they want. Present a Consistent Methodology for Solving Engineering Problems: Chapter 1 introduces a five-step process for solving engineering problems using the computer Describe the Exceptional Computational and Visualization Capabilities of MATLAB: Students will gain a clear understanding of how to use MATLAB. Illustrate the Problem-solving Process through a Variety of Engineering Examples and Applications: Numerous examples emphasize the creation of readable and simple solutions to develop and reinforce problem-solving skills. Keep your Course Current with Discussion of the Latest Technologies: The discussions, screen captures, examples, and problem solutions have been updated to reflect MATLAB Version 8.2, R2013b.

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