Electric Machines: Steady State, Transients, and Design with MATLAB® (English Edition)

Electric Machines: Steady State, Transients, and Design with MATLAB® (English Edition)

Ion Boldea、Lucian Nicolae Tutelea

Ubiquitous in daily life, electric motors/generators are used in a wide variety of applications, from home appliances to internal combustion engines to hybrid electric cars. They produce electric energy in all electric power plants as generators and motion control that is necessary in all industries to increase productivity, save energy, and reduce pollution.

With its comprehensive coverage of the state of the art, Electric Machines: Steady State, Transients, and Design with MATLAB® addresses the modeling, design, testing, and manufacture of electric machines to generate electricity, or in constant or variable-speed motors for motion control.Organized into three stand-alone sections—Steady State, Transients, and FEM Analysis and Optimal Design—the text provides complete treatment of electric machines. It also:

Explores international units

Contains solved and proposed numerical examples throughout

Guides students from simple to more complex math models

Offers a wealth of problems with hints

The book contains numerous computer simulation programs in MATLAB and Simulink®, available on an accompanying CD-ROM, to help readers make a quantitative assessment of various parameters and performance indices of electric machines. Skillfully unifying symbols throughout the book, the authors present a great deal of invaluable practical laboratory work that has been classroom-tested in progressively modified forms. This textbook presents expressions of parameters, modeling, and characteristics that are directly and readily applicable for industrial R&D in fields associated with electric machines industry for modern (distributed) power systems and industrial motion control via power electronics.

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