Distance Learning: Information Access and Services for Virtual Users (English Edition)

Distance Learning: Information Access and Services for Virtual Users (English Edition)

Hemalata Iyer

The demand for and technology needed to create effective distance learning programs are increasing at a breakneck pace. Is your institution keeping up? As educators, information professionals are faced with the challenge of providing Web-based library instructional materials in a time of ever-changing technologies. This book will help you address that daunting challenge, examining ways to assess user needs, to develop and offer well-thought-out information literacy courses, to employ appropriate teaching methodologies, and to determine the effectiveness of existing information literacy programs. With Distance Learning: Information Access and Services for Virtual Users, you will examine:

the evolution and significance of asynchronous learning networks (ALN) and various issues in ALN, including cost, faculty and technology requirements, the nature of the learning community, social presence, and collaborative environment

virtual reference services, including electronic journals, subject directories, the invisible Web, and search engines

the criteria for evaluating search results

the role played by consortia and cooperative efforts in facilitating user access to library resources

a review of selected literature addressing user characteristics and service/staff issues involved in providing information support for distance education

the strategies, technologies, and pedagogical issues surrounding the development of Web-based library instruction tools—includes Web page design, copyright issues, Web site maintenance, and usability

the award-winning online information literacy course developed at Ulster County Community College in New York—its development, course modules, and administrative challenges

the library support services provided to distance learning students in the SUNY Plattsburg Telenursing Program

the influence of cultural factors on interactions within and perceptions of distance education

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