西藏民俗是西藏社会生活状况和样态的文化体现。本书对西藏充满魅力的风土民俗逐一介绍,向读者展示雪域高原民族独具特色的居住、饮食、衣着习俗,生、老、病、死、婚丧嫁娶的人生礼仪,以及众多的节日习俗等,从一个特定侧面为读者打开了一扇了解真实中国西藏的窗户。Folk customs are the cultural representation of the living conditions and way of life of a group of people. Tibetan Folk Customs gives a thorough and detailed account of the fascinating, often unique folk customs of the people who live on the snowy plateau. In this book readers can catch glimpses of real life in China’s Tibet through folk customs in housing, cuisine and apparel; etiquette to follow from birth to death, wedding to funeral; the myriad festivals and recreational activities coming from different backgrounds, and the profound religious beliefs that lead to such folk customs.
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