An Introduction to Particle Physics and the Standard Model (English Edition)

An Introduction to Particle Physics and the Standard Model (English Edition)

Robert Mann

An Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics familiarizes readers with what is considered tested and accepted and in so doing, gives them a grounding in particle physics in general. Whenever possible, Dr. Mann takes an historical approach showing how the model is linked to the physics that most of us have learned in less challenging areas. Dr. Mann reviews special relativity and classical mechanics, symmetries, conservation laws, and particle classification; then working from the tested paradigm of the model itself, he:

Describes the Standard Model in terms of its electromagnetic, strong, and weak components

Explores the experimental tools and methods of particle physics

Introduces Feynman diagrams, wave equations, and gauge invariance, building up to the theory of Quantum Electrodynamics

Describes the theories of the Strong and Electroweak interactions

Uncovers frontier areas and explores what might lie beyond our current concepts of the subatomic world

Those who work through the material will develop a solid command of the basics of particle physics. The book does require a knowledge of special relativity, quantum mechanics, and electromagnetism, but most importantly it requires a hunger to understand at the most fundamental level: why things exist and how it is that anything happens. This book will prepare students and others for further study, but most importantly it will prepare them to open their minds to the mysteries that lie ahead. Ultimately, the Large Hadron Collider may prove the model correct, helping so many realize their greatest dreams … or it might poke holes in the model, leaving us to wonder an even more exciting possibility: that the answers lie in possibilities so unique that we have not even dreamt of them.

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